What to put in the bride's handbag?


Not only the dress and make-up, but also accessories are designed to decorate the beauty of the bride, but also accessories: jewelry, shoes and, of course, an integral attribute is a handbag. But - whether it is a clutch or bag - the bride's handbag is always small. So what to take a bride with you is just necessary?

The first is a passport. This is the document that you will be very useful in the registry office. It is thin, so fit in any handbag. Another option is to give it to the bridegroom, because he also takes his passport.

So - passport.

Cosmetics. Any wedding stylist will say that the emphasis on this solemn day is better to do on the eyes, that is, lipstick or gloss in principle are not provided. However, this is not quite true. First, there are colored weddings, for example, when the bride paints his lips with a capricious red, requiring not only the lipstick itself, but also a pencil to her. But even if a certain lipstick is not envisaged, it is worth a lip balm - "bitterly" no one canceled.

If the bride paints the lips with a capricious red, then lipstick and pencil it is better to take with you. Photo: Nikolay Zavyalov.

If the bride paints the lips with a capricious red, then lipstick and pencil it is better to take with you. Photo: Nikolay Zavyalov.

therefore lipstick + pencil or lip balm In the handbag put.

And here About powder or tonal cream worth forgetting. Stylist makes makeup so that he lasted the whole wedding day. The tone cream of a certain shade, which may not match yours. To fix the makeup usually enough Special matting napkins . Here we are with you.

Other napkins and hygiene products should be either at the manager (celebration coordinator), if you use it with services, or your bridesmaid or mom's girlfriend. Wet, dry, hygiene napkins in a small clutch should not be alone.

If the wedding handbag is soft, then the mobile phone does not stand in it: your smartphone can be accidentally smashed. Photo: Mila Tobolenko.

If the wedding handbag is soft, then the mobile phone does not stand in it: your smartphone can be accidentally smashed. Photo: Mila Tobolenko.

Tools for disinfection of hands. This is usually a jar, which in the handbag does not fit. And do not - give it to the above person, as well as the mirror.

Medicine . Most often, the champagne, "magic bubbles" is used for a wedding day, whose magic bubbles are going to the goal. To prevent the headache, be sure to have breakfast and snack throughout the day. But the painkillers should take with them, cutting off a couple of pieces.

A pair of anesthetic pills - we take.

Other drugs - only if the reception is provided in obligatory. But they are not a place in the bride's handbag - pass a small first-aid kit to the coordinator or accompanying you during the day guests.

A separate article is patch . Wedding shoes (and men's, and female) is better to spread out a couple of weeks to the celebration - methods set. But it happens that shoes are still rubbed or pressed. Therefore, two or three plastics plates (better than silicone) in the handbag is worth putting.

Mobile phone Take everywhere and always. But at the wedding you can forget about it for a while. For example, in the registry office, where it is worth it at all. And although you have a protest in your shower now, but the phone for temporary storage is also worth passing a girlfriend or coordinator. I will explain why. If the handbag is not a clutch, and the bag, the bottom of it is soft, you can hit the smartphone in an inappropriate, and a broken favorite phone will spoil your spirits for the whole evening. If there is still a clutch, and the phone is thin, then take with you, but turn off the sound.

So, Mobile phone, perhaps, take.

Wedding handbag is primarily a beautiful accessory that will help finish the image. Photo: Mila Tobolenko.

Wedding handbag is primarily a beautiful accessory that will help finish the image. Photo: Mila Tobolenko.

Money. On the day of the wedding you will have to pay with many hired people. These are large amounts that best either distribute in advance, or agree on the exact time of transferring this money. And certainly not place envelopes with money in a wedding handbag, which will not always be near you.

No plastic cards, credit cards, bundles of keys, combs and so on in the bride's handbag . Wedding handbag is a beautiful accessory that will help you finish the image.

Unforgettable wedding celebration and love!

Weddings Organizer Olga Marandi

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