Anna Plenev applied for help to a psychotherapist


Singer Anna Plenev a month ago faced a serious problem. She decided to increase the chest. But since it was always against surgery, turned to the People's Heal. Shaman suggested a soloist of the Vintage group of wonderful pills, made, according to him, from the cabbage juice concentrate, hop and the iguana skin powder. It was necessary to take the medicine for a month, but after 3 days Anya felt something wrong. She began uncontrollable attacks of hunger and a constant wish is sweet. After some time, the Soloist "Vintage" realized that the situation becomes unmanaged. She has greatly recovered and began to complain about well-being. The other day they had to shoot a clip on the song "I believe in love". In the new video, Plentnev had to play the cosmic princess Eli, who flew to the ground to give people love, tenderness and beauty. A lot of people, dancers, extracts of animals, animals were involved in the shooting. However, unexpectedly, the actress has decided to cancel the shooting of the clip and personally began to ring her participants in order to cancel everything. And only the producer Alexei Romanov managed to persuade Any to take himself in hand.

The next morning, the Plenev still appeared in the studio with a three-hour delay, but was, to put it mildly, not in the mood and spent five hours in the dressing room. As a result, the first command "Motor" sounded 10 hours later than the scheduled time. However, and then the singer had a breakdown, and she rejected everything that hesitated. Then Anna closed in the dressing room. As a result, the colleagues of the artist had to seek help from a specialist in the field of gestalt therapy. The psychologist asked everyone to get out of the room. What did the doctor talking to Anja, will remain a secret, but after this conversation she began to smile and adequately respond to the actions and words of the people around her. To the final of the shooting, which came under the morning of the next day, the Pletnev finally came to his senses, joking and laughed, as nothing had happened.

True, no victims still did not cost. Peacocks, who also played in the clip, because of a long expectation in the studio began to lift and confused half of their feathers ...

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