See what is hidden: 5 mystical serials, exciting spirit


Many of us often want to see not a romantic comedy or horror, but a real mystical thriller with a confusing plot and riddles. We will think of you: in 2019, many mystical TV series with a high rating, which cannot be broken off. We selected the five best and present them to you.


Spouse Peter and Janes move to live on the old villa, around which legends go. It is said that a writer lived there, who died in mysterious circumstances on the night when he began writing his new book. The problem is that the same morning the book was addressed. By whom? Unknown. Jane is the granddaughter of this writer who returned to the same house. Once upon cleaning, she finds an old printed machine and decides to figure out what happens on this mysterious villa.


Photo: Frame from the series "Printing machine"


The young girl Sasha is sick: her heart refuses. Fortunately, she already stood in line for transplantation and received a "new" heart in time, the donor of which became Becky, who died with mysterious circumstances. Parents of the deceased want to learn to learn Sasha, believing that while the heart of their daughter, alive and she herself. Over time, strange changes start to occur with Sasha: she sees scraps from Becky's life. Then she decides to find out how her donor died.

Country of Christmas

Charlie Masks - a man traveling on Rolls-Royce-Ghost, abducts children from disadvantaged families and takes them into the "Christmas Country", where it takes their vitality. Vic Makvin is an eighteen-year-old girl who, after a quarrel with her parents, leaves on a bike where her eyes look, and finds an indoor bridge that actually demolished many years ago. She understands that he found the portal to another world - the world where Charlie McCs brought by the abducted children. The girl is aware that only she can help them.

House with servant

It all begins with the fact that a married couple hires a young pious girl as a nanny for his newborn. Sean-Culinary, and Dorothy - TV presenter, for which nanny is a chance to go to work again. It seems that everything is fine, but here is a child ... not real. This is a doll that psychotherapist advised to start after Dorothy lost her baby. Sean is playing out the spouse, but over time he understands that the nanny is hijacking with a doll, as with a real baby, even if no one sees. Over time, there are even more strange things in the house.


Photo: Frame from the TV series "House with a servant"


Kristen is a psychologist-criminalist. Now she is engaged in the case in which the serial killer claims that all the crimes committed a demon swarm, and he himself does not remember anything. Kristen - Skeptic, she does not believe in mystics, so it was precisely her business. Together with two experts, she is trying to reveal mysterious crimes.

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