I sit on the Sachzam and not losing weight: expert answer


We used to know about sugar substitutes not so much, because mostly they used only people suffering from diabetes. However, the times are changing, the cult of a healthy lifestyle and a beautiful, slender body is built around the world. To get rid of excess weight, men and women are massively refused to eat sugar using various substitutes instead. But this approach does not always give the expected result.

Control the diet still need

Control the diet still need

Photo: unsplash.com.

Fitness-nutritiologist Category "Elite" Svetlana Bushmelev explains:

"In my practice, I very often hear that people refuse some particular product, while not limiting themselves in others. We must understand that the main factor in the process of reducing body weight is to reduce the calorie content of the diet. For the most part, it does not matter due to which it will happen. Therefore, I will answer this: the use of a sugar substitute will certainly help with the control of food consumed. "

Milk cocktail contains from two spoons of sugar

Milk cocktail contains from two spoons of sugar

Photo: unsplash.com.

Types of Sakhzamov

Sugar substitutes today there is a great set. They are divided into natural (fructose, sorbitol, erytrite, stevia, etc.) and artificial (aspartame, Sakharin, Sukraloza, etc.). Sophisticated names with obvious references to chemical elements from the Mendeleev table cause concerns: Would you harm? Svetlana responds: "Yes, of course, it can harm if we are talking about the individual intolerance to any elements that are part of the sugar substitute. Or in the event that a person has chronic diseases in which the use of substitutes is unacceptable. "

We are accustomed that people go to the sugar substitute due to health problems. If the doctor prescribed - it means you can. But how to be if you did not go to any doctor, I want to lose weight?

Svetlana Bushmelev says that special purposes for refusal from sugar are not necessary: ​​"Most often, a person refuses sugar and moves to a sugar substitute due to excess body weight. Rather, due to the desire to lose weight. If it is objectively to look at things, today the shelves of hypermarkets are broken from various products, which, in turn, contain a large amount of sugar, both artificial and natural.

The ignorance of the composition of the products, the unwillingness to understand it and read the labels leads us to a chaotic choice of products with a high sugar content. We think they are completely harmless. But it is not. Unfortunately, this "sugar trap" is not only ourselves, but also our children. Every parent wishes his child health and wants him to use as much dairy products as possible. In this regard, children often buy cocktails with different taste additives. And one cocktail may contain in its composition from two spoons of sugar. Saharo substitute in our time is a great way to reduce the number of calories consumed in a daily diet. You can safely move on it without appointing a doctor. "

Athletes refuse sugar due to empty calories

Athletes refuse sugar due to empty calories

Photo: unsplash.com.

When choosing a sugar substitute, the nutritiologist recommends that not beautiful packaging, but scientific research and clinical trials. Only this data will confirm the safety of the product. But with the composition of the sugar substitute, it is necessary to get acquainted: some manufacturers under the guise of a substitute sell ordinary sugar.

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