Anfisa Chekhov: "Very unpleasant when you have something steal"


- Anfisa, what did you feel when we saw a threat on your page?

- I was in the embassy, ​​passed the documents and was busy. Then she came out and read a huge number of messages from Mom and my friends. They asked what happened, what are the threats are published on my page? I immediately understood that it was hacking. He went into his mail. In one of the letters it was written: "Come on the money, otherwise we will post your photos that were sent to you in the Direct (the function in Instagram, the average between the private reservoir and e-mail, is approx.)". But I knew that I did not send anything of such a "terrible", so the threats did not excite me. These fraudsters somehow did not think that I had no thing that I could not show people. I was more worried that I was lost access to the microblog. It was unpleasant to me. That is, the thing that belonged to me, suddenly became not mine.

- How to act in such situations: where to turn, call?

- You need to write to the support service of the social network, in which hacking. You need to answer all the questions, fill out the form, state the complaint. Then they are asked to send passport data and selfie on the background of the passport, as well as selfie against the background of a hacked page - that is, a bunch of photos that argue that I am.

- Experts explained, because of what happened and how to protect themselves from hackers?

- I received a notice to my smartphone that it was time to confirm access to Instagram. I opened the page and entered my username and password. As I explained then, fraudsters can send notifications through hacking Wi-Fi. The page was one in one as in Instagram, and I thought it was one of the ways to protect the account itself. But the page turned out to be a fake. Therefore, it is necessary if possible not to connect to public Wi-Fi networks. Do not use them. For example, in America and Europe, you came to the cafe, bought a cup of coffee, and you bring a personal password to Wi-Fi. And then no one can connect to you. And in free, uniform networks, it can do any, having a penny equipment, and then crack passwords of personal pages, blackmail or just to hooligan. And if you already had to connect - then in no case go to notifications and not enter passwords from your accounts or bank card data.

Anfisa Chekhov managed to deal with attackers and restored control over the page in the social network. Photo:

Anfisa Chekhov managed to deal with attackers and restored control over the page in the social network. Photo:

- After such a nervous, there was no desire to abandon social networks?

- Not. What for? Of course, it is very unpleasant when you have something to steal. And it does not matter what they stole - your password, a page in a social network or thing. But I'm not going to give up the possession of such things or using social networks.

- Your spouse Heruram helped you?

- We were together with him in the embassy. And when it all started, he reassured me, said: "Without panic." And immediately began to call specialists. From his account we watched what was happening on my page. I could not enter, since the attackers changed the password. And looking like fans are worried about me, as trying to help, I asked Gurama to write them the words of support. And I want to tell them a lot Thank you.

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