Sleep everyone: 4 Assistant accessories for high-quality sleep


Problems with a dream Another half of the globe, scientists do not have time to patent new inventions and techniques to combat sleep disorders. Sometimes it is possible to create amazing things that, of course, can not use anyone, but it will not work by right. We have collected the most non-standard accessories designed to help hard to sleep.

Smart "Sleep Guard"

An interesting device, whose goal to help make sleep quality. The device is created as a ball, you just install it on the bedside table next to the bed and provide him with access to the Internet. The device will track changes in the atmosphere, correlate with your sleep phase at different times and collect all the information on your smartphone. Thus, you can adjust all the factors that prevent you from sleeping before an important day.

Bracelet in acupuncture technique

Chinese specialists went on simple tips for relaxation: they created a device that helps to distract from unpleasant thoughts and calmly sleep. According to experts, there are points on our wrists, the correct stimulation of which helps to solve many psychologically problems. The bracelet affects this area, relaxing and removing the stress, as a result - sleep until morning. However, before rushing in search of a miracle device, consult with a specialist.

It is not always possible to sleep full

It is not always possible to sleep full


Pillow for unexpected sleep

In the rhythm of the big city time, there is less and less, especially if the guide sends to an unplanned business trip. And now you are hung at the airport after an important meeting, there is an flight delay, which means sleep is postponed. But here there is an excellent solution in the form of a pillow, which, apparently, was created on the principle of "where fell, there and fell asleep." Its form allows you to completely exclude the hit of the light, remember the children's "Spacets", only in our case the fabric closes another face. Taking such a useful thing with you, you can not worry about the rigid back of the seats.

Music at night

No, the noise of the sea or the singing of birds went into the past, today we offer a smart device that creates oscillations that calm the nervous system. You just put the device on the bedside table and do not think about anything - throughout the night, the gadget will reproduce the sounds that will actively influence your brain, relaxing and warning the urge to excitement.

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