5 reasons to put geranium on the windowsill


Cause №1

The smell of Gerani raises the mood and strengthens the nervous system. It is believed even that this flower is able to alleviate the symptoms of depression. In addition, this plant is recommended to keep homes with diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Geranian attribute paranormal properties

Geranian attribute paranormal properties


Cause # 2.

Geranian leaves do not like moles, flies and other insects. Previously, her leaves even rubbed pets to rid them from fleas and ticks.

Her leaves - salvation from insects

Her leaves - salvation from insects


Cause No. 3.

Geranium leaves contain essential oil, which helps from headaches and with a cold. Of course, you can buy geranium oil in a pharmacy, but much more pleasant to sit down near the window and make a 10-minute ride near the living plant.

Headache? Snow geranium

Headache? Snow geranium


Cause No. 4.

There is a sign that a scarlet Geranian flower helps to tie a beloved to himself, for this it is necessary for him only to present a pot with a plant as a gift. But if you dismiss superstition, geranium well affects hormonal exchange and increases libido. In the evening, the flower highlights the smell and essential oils stronger, so it will not be superfluous during a romantic dinner.

Scarlet flower - Love symbol

Scarlet flower - Love symbol


Cause No. 5.

This is a really therapeutic plant. Geranian leaf attached to a sick touba or ear, when otitis, brings relief. With a radiculitis, the leaves are crushed, then applied to the back as a compress.

Geranium is not only useful, but also beautiful

Geranium is not only useful, but also beautiful


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