Beautiful hands: how to get rid of subcutaneous fat


The upper part of the hands is one of the main problem zones of a woman. First, in this area there are usually local fat deposits with which it will be difficult to cope with a diet. Since with a strong discharge of weight, especially in patients at the age of 40+, when the skin is already starting to lose its elasticity, there may be a smelling of the skin in a rather part of the hands, and that this does not happen to take the necessary measures - either actively sporting, or to take advantage of the opportunities which offers modern aesthetic medicine. Ideally, to get really beautiful pumped hands, it is better to combine all three ways: diet + sport + cosmetology.

Plastic Surgeon Alexander Vdovin

Plastic Surgeon Alexander Vdovin


To lose weight, you need to eat, but right! Monitor calories, do not overeat - important. But the other is not less important: to observe the mode and eat at the same time so that there is approximately the same number of hours between meals. The correct routine of the day avoids overeating, stress and night snacks. As for the diverse nutrition, then it must be taken to all seriousness. Thinking through the menu for a few days ahead, correctly combine products and follow the calorie content of dishes. This can be engaged in independently or trust a special delivery of finished food for those who adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. Such services fully take care of your diet, bringing you dishes for the three main meals on the day. Thus, it saves time for cooking and there is no psychological discomfort, which is usually present when there is a need to limit itself. Dishes not only correspond to a core, but also are delicious, useful and nutritious, which is also important. The body will not spend! It is impossible to deceive your own stomach. You must be saturated from meals. Formula of harmony is, first of all, a balanced diet, which should be thought out through vitamins and microelements, the presence of carbohydrates that are necessary for the brain.

If your task thoroughly reset weight, you can try the castings or interval fasting. Popular slimming options within the interval starvation look like this 16/8 and 20/4: where 16 and 20 hours are temporary periods when it is necessary to refrain from meals, and 8 and 4 hours are the intervals in which you need to put food intake . If you choose a 16/8 power option, then 16 hours you will assign to the Fasting (starvation), the remaining 8 must lay 2-3 meals. Interval starvation provides for a complete rejection of sweet, flour, fast carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, white rice), fast food and fast food products. If you choose the option 20/4 (20 hours of the edging, 1-2 meals, you can not limit yourself in nutrition, since it can be burned with all the calories received before the seting.


Without regular sports or fitness, it is impossible to achieve good results in weight loss! Sport helps to burn calories, maintain the body in a tone, strengthens the muscles - this is what we need to pump your hands. Classes should be daily and start with a small warm-up. If you have a target to pump up your hands, then preference should be treated with weighting exercises. Dumbbells (weight from 0.5-2 kg), an expendine or conventional plastic water bottles (0.5 and 0.7 liters can be used as weightless weights.

Among the exercises to strengthen the muscles of the upper part of the hands, it is possible to note: lifting the dumbbells in front of them to impart the relief of the forward delta muscles and the bench dumbbells to train the biceps. The bench can be performed both standing and sitting, bending hands in the elbows at the same time or alternately. Both exercises must be performed in 3 approaches at least 10-15 times desired daily or every other day. Also, the muscles of the upper part of the hands can be trained using such a popular exercise as a plank, floor pressings (at least 10 times) and reverse pushups (failures). It is reverse pushups that are considered one of the best exercises for women to train the upper part of the hands. This type of load is convenient to perform both at home and in the gym - the main thing is to stop behind: it can be a bed, a sofa, a chair or a bench in the gym. Excellent exercise that should be a good morning habit. To achieve the result, it must be done 10-15 times.


We started our conversation with the fact that the upper part of the hands is one of the complex zones. The main problems are the accusation of fabrics and the presence of fat traps in this area. Cosmetology helps to solve these aesthetic tasks quickly. However, a prerequisite for the elimination of problems in the field of the top of the hands is the discharge of weight and sports. Moreover, in the restrictions in nutrition and physical exertion, you will need after passing cosmetology procedures: it will help you to achieve great success in achieving your goal - creating beautiful hands and maintaining their good form in the future.

Among the cosmetology procedures aimed at tightening the skin of the hands can be called radio wave lifting on such devices as MORHPEUS8, FRACTORA and BODY FX. If the problem lies not only in the chart of fabrics, but also the presence of extra subcutaneous fatty fiber, that is, it makes sense to resort to liposuction. You can choose both a classic surgical option, and radio frequency liposuction on the Bodytite apparatus, which helps not only get rid of fat deposits at the top of the hands, but also simultaneously pull the skin. This is a very convenient opportunity to solve two problems at once. In cases where the sagging of fabrics after weight loss is significant, such operational interference is recommended as brachioplasty, which helps excised excess fabric and surgically create a beautiful form of hands.

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