Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye: 5 consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo


Many girls seek to ease their lives, choosing an extra sleep clock instead of bringing the arrows in front of the eyes and paint eyebrows. The tattoo solves many problems - from reducing time to makeup to correcting natural features, such as eyebrows asymmetry or fuzzy lip contour. However, the choice of the unverified wizard can cross all the advantages. Today we will tell, with what problems you may encounter, dwelling to the tattoo procedure is frivolous.

Work performed by cheap materials

As a rule, we all strive to achieve maximum price and quality compliance, but many are nevertheless inclined in Toron low prices, ignoring the skills and, most importantly, the working materials of the cosmetologist. Often novice specialists or simply irresponsible masters seek to save, choosing materials and compositions for tattoo, strongly inferior in quality professional. Naturally, the price of such a service will be lower, which often attracts customers in finding a profitable offer. We strongly do not recommend chanting at a lower price, because the tattoo will remain with you at least for several years, who knows what your reaction will be on a low-quality agent, and the correction of the wizard will be quite painful. Think good!

do not overdo it

do not overdo it


You did not think well

The item flowing from the previous one. Suppose you agreed to accompany the girlfriend to the beautician, chose a good salon, on the masters of which you did not find complaints on the network. And here, a lush price, you stumble on a beautiful photo of the model with perfect eyebrows: "Want!" - Your inner voice speaks. You go to the office after a friend and declare the wizard that you want the same eyebrows or eyeliner as in the picture. An experienced specialist should evaluate your source data and advise on your case. If the master with an inspiration pulls on you with a hat and stacked on a chair, such a zeal should be alert. Return home, think again, whether you need a procedure, already with the "cold" head go to the master, so that in a couple of weeks it is not running in search of the cabin, which will display the consequences of your hot impulse.

Master chases trend

In addition to cheap materials, you may encounter a complete lack of taste from the Master. In a sense, the beautician is an artist who transforms your face as a canvas. An experienced master is always aware of trends, but he will never advise you "hit robust eyebrows" if they do not fit your face form. The same applies to other parts of the face - no original types of eyeliner will make a good wizard apply them on the person of a person who simply does not go.

The master invites you to overlap the tattoo

Suppose you made a tattoo, everything is successful, you have passed for a long time and have been satisfied with as an elephant. But even such a procedure is not durable. You still need correction. Ideally, if you repeat the procedure at the same master who made you a tattoo last time in which you will be sure. But it happens so that the masters have to change. In the new office you should alert offers to "paint what is there is." If you need easy correction, you can also try, however, when you change the pigment, it is important to take into account a new shade - not every case can be blocked, consult with several masters before agreeing to apply the second layer.

The master offers too light lip color

Nude is good and beautiful, but only if you pick up lipstick. In the case of a tattoo, it is important to remember that the paint gradually changes the color, over time your "divine nude", which you were so proud before girlfriends, will turn into an incomprehensible whiten shade, which will make your image painful. White shade is very difficult out of leather, especially on the lips. Think several times and pick up a more classic option.

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