Nicole Kidman: "Every morning I wake up and I hope that pregnant"


Former ballerina, who received an education for example, the young lady from the institutions of noble maidens, Nicole Kidman always seemed touching and fragile girl with an appearance of red-haired Snow White. But it is worth noticeing - and it becomes clear: this image is deceptive.

From childhood, Nicole had to cope with the difficulties and adversity of life. On her, fifteen years old, a severe Mother's disease collapsed: the girl had to quit her studies to take care of the family. Then, from the first of his film, hitting the Hollywood clip, completely still young Kidman went for the thirty lands, in the USA, to be filmed for the "big" directors. There she met her first husband Tom Cruise. Idyll (both in personal life and career) lasted almost ten years and collapsed at one moment. An unexpected divorce hit like thunder. And they did not expect this to be neither the media, nor friends of the couple, nor Nicole, who still allowed himself to be surprised in an interview: they say, what could be the reason for such a sudden decision of Tom? Divorce was followed by failure in a professional plan: at that time, Nicole was not so much successful prime minister. But Kidman is not from those who break under the blow of life circumstances. Five years later, in 2006, she married a musician China Urbana. The actress was in love and very happy. However, it was not without a "flying spoon": as it turned out, Urban suffered from alcohol addiction. Then Nicole literally saved their young family from collapse. "Marriage is daily work and the fight against the problems that arise. I did not do anything special, "the actress said.

Today, after another recession (critics, it was very restrained by her work in the painting "Princess Monaco") and rumors about divorce with Urban, red-haired festy again in the ranks. Already this month we will be able to observe her triumphal return in the film "Queen of the Desert". In addition, at the end of the year, four more (!) Premieres with her participation are scheduled.

Nicole, you started your career so early and achieved success. How did your family react to such a rapid takeoff?

Nicole Kidman: "My parents always thought that I was too fragile and sensitive for this profession. But now, being a mother, I understand them. No parent in the right mind wants the fate of the actor for his child - because it is very, very hard fate. We always wait for someone who will defend us who will say: "I believe in you!", And my parents were such people. It only seems that everything is smooth in my career. Would you know how much failures I survived how many drops! Of course, if my children decided to go according to my footsteps, I would support them, but would try to maximize from the misfortunes and disappointments that the novice actor would wait. "

How did you cope with fame and popularity on you? From Australia - immediately on the red tracks ...

Nicole: "My first meeting with the film festivals I really was terrified. I was so young, so not confident in my own forces. I did not understand what was happening, as I was in the midst of all this magnificence, noise and journalists. I thought about something like: "God, really this is my life, here and now? Can't be! "Then, of course, he learned and walk on the studs, and dear designer dresses to wear, and smile every chamber. But for a long time I was pursued by my school nickname - crane, given to me because of my growth. At that time I was sure that I was the most ugly man on the planet. In ballroom classes, no one wanted to be my partner. Imagine my wonder when I start praising and photograph, call sexual and beautiful! To confess, I still have nervous, leaving this cannan staircase. But our profession implies some fearlessness. When we do for another role, we rush to the unknown. So the character is tempered. "

Apparently, your mom and dad were still mistaken, considering you a "greenhouse plant" ...

Nicole: "That's for sure! But in fact, how are you younger, the easier you perceive failure - at least I have it. I remember, I prayed to take me in the picture, and they took me. And if they did not take - I prayed again, and the whole pain was left. Now I can say that I am madly grateful to everyone who gave me a chance - and God sees, I worked every chance, dedicated all myself. When you just got up on this path, the endless dreams of great directors, grand films, Epos about love and the world. But the reality is that it is incredibly difficult to get a major role. And it is important at one time to stop indulging in the illusions and be devoted expectations - you need to safely plunge into reality and work with it. Although, you know ... I am still Great, I still wish again and again leave my comfort zone to work on ideas and dreams. I think I haven't played my best role. "

According to Nicole Kidman, the marriage with Tom Cruise was intoxicating. Photo: Rex Features /

According to Nicole Kidman, the marriage with Tom Cruise was intoxicating. Photo: Rex Features /

What are you talking about! But what about "Moulin Rouge!", "Dogvil", "Clock", in the end?

Nicole: "I repeat: I can more! Well, all these films fell at the time of the full collapse of my personal life (it was then, Nicole was worried about a divorce with Tom Cruise. - Approx. Auth.). It was very strange - while you are at the pedestal, inside everything collapses and breaks. I remember the award for "Moulin Rouge!" In Cannes, then "Oscar" for the "clock" ... getting a statuette, I experienced an amazing mixture of emotions. On the one hand, it is like a breakdown of champagne tube: Bach, delight, joy! On the other hand, the feeling of indescribable loneliness, when you sit in the dark room of the hotel, squeezing in the hand "Oscar" and not understanding what all this is. Yes, it was the time of my career maximum and a love minimum. I hope this will not happen again. "

But now you have everything beautiful: calm family life, stable career?

Nicole: "Well, in terms of career, this is not my maximum. True, I try to treat everything philosophically - in the end, the ups for all fronts happen in our life not so often, right? In any case, I will always prefer the personal life of work. I would not like to use the word "sacrifice", but I am happy to sacrifice myself to whales and children. From the prospects to be with them or removed - I will choose them. My husband and my family - in the first place, is not discussed. "

Many actresses work, being pregnant, almost give birth on the set ...

Nicole: "Exactly, my friends-directors and actors told me. Ha! I definitely abandoned my career when I was waiting for a child. And did it consciously. You know what? All my life, I wanted to be pregnant, went to this condition for a very long time (in marriage with Tom Cruise, Nicole was an ectopic pregnancy, and then miscarriage. - Approx. Auth.). Perhaps combining tooling and shooting can those who have many children already ... I wanted to give birth to an absolutely healthy and happy baby, dedicate yourself to this completely, to do everything in me, to just introduce it to the world. At that time I was invited to play in the "reader", but Kate Winslet was given the role. "

And then the Winslet received Oscar for this work. Do not regret?

Nicole: "In fact, even the opposite. This is the most huge and important choice I did in my life. My daughter Rose is the incarnation of love and joy. And not only she, of course! Two of my adult children, Ella and Connor, became wonderful young people, the world accepted them. Ella lives and works in London, Connor - DJ, travels around the world. I am grateful for them, healthy and happy. Just not to smooth out. "

Some critics really noted that your latest works can not be called great, as you would like. Does it upset it?

Nicole: "You are obviously about the" Princess of Monaco ". I urge everyone to refer to the picture as a fiction, in no case is not a biographical tape. This is a tender and touching story of love, the story of Cinderella, affectionate legend with dramatic turns of the plot. And it's not to insult the memory of Grace Kelly, how her relatives regarded the film. As for harsh reviews ... Understand, the actor does not send a movie, he does what director tells him. You perform your work, but a lot of people work on the creation of the painting. And be sure, I did everything fine! To some extent, I felt a strange relationship with Grace. Not that you thought: I did not feel any princess. But the bird in a golden cage, bursting between a career, husband and motherhood, is fully. And Kelly's choice is obvious and understandable. As it seemed to me, she was very sincere and humane in his desires and aspirations. "

Well, let's leave in the past not quite successful projects. Now you have the film "Queen of the Desert". Tell me something about him!

Nicole: "And I, and Werner Herzog (director of the picture. - Approx. Aut.) We bring huge hopes on it. The film tells about the tense and exciting period in the life of Gertruda Bell, the famous British archaeologist. I starred in the desert, rode camels, played this woman icon, fearless and magnificent. Unfortunately, the majority and did not hear about it, but this is such Lawrence Arabian in a skirt. And, of course, I just fell in love with Herzoga. He is beautiful!"

You look so great! Traditional question about the secrets of youth and beauty.

Nicole: "You know, to the era of Meril Strip age in our case was scary, panically scary. This world is obsessed with youth and beauty, but look at Meryl! Is she not young? Not beautiful? When I was forty, I felt that now the second half of my life begins. Maybe I am mistaken - maybe it's a third, and a third of the last one. Or maybe the last quarter, I do not know. But I hope, I have a few more decades in stock. "

Are you shooting now?

Nicole: "At the moment - no, and I plan to return to our house in Nashville, to Whale and Children. Maybe it is strange, but in dresses, on heels, with stacking on the red tracks, I feel a little unreal, inxicated, as if in the virtual universe. All this is a little bit of me. I want to check school tasks in children and just hang out around the neighborhood. "

So pass your days?

Nicole: "Yes, like an exemplary old woman. This is what - you have not seen my roses! I understand what I'm saying like a real pensioner, but this is such a joy for me! I also rake lemons, plums, apricots and grapefruits, and then I make jam and jams, I distribute them to friends. "

There were rumors in the press that family idyll is actually only a picture. And your marriage is fascinated by seams. Is it so?

Nicole: "Journalists constantly speak and write. Well, I do not! We love each other and we do not intend to divorce or hide our feelings. Recently looked like a husband participates in an improvised concert. And thought at that moment: "God, as I adore this person! As I am glad that he is in my world, and in the world in principle! "I would like to meet China much earlier, there would be more children with him, and they would be great."

You are openly talking to personal topics. Does it affect the family relations?

Nicole: "What is this here? Sometimes personal questions and answers to them benefit. It is better than sucking gossip and conversations. For example, I am happy to say that I experienced the experience of surrogate motherhood, - to many women my experience can help and come in handy. If I do not tell about it, you will write about it anyway - but how? And so I will displaced everything in its place. The only taboo for me is to discuss the religion of my ex-husband, from respect for him and to our common children. "

Nicole Kidman:

"That respect and reverence, which I feel for Whale, goes to my destroyed first marriage," is recognized as Nicole Kidman. Photo: Rex Features /

Surely you asked about it a million times, and yet. Do not regret what they took off with a circle in "widely closed eyes"? They say this film destroyed your family.

Nicole: "Church! We adored this movie. Everyone really thinks that the picture broke our love, but it is not. Joint shooting is a huge part of our life then, and everything that happened, led me to what I have now. Even then, in the most bitter moments of my life, I refused to believe that the experience of parting and the pain of the broken heart will pursue me forever. I did not know what the future prepares for me, but I was sure that I was not going to lie in the bed in despair all the days. I believed in love, was open to everything that later happened to me. The most valuable at the time were the words of my late father: "Nick, it happened what happened. Maybe not what should have had, but what is. Accept and live. "

Did this bitter experience affect your union with Kit Urban?

Nicole: "Of course! He helped me grow in an emotional plan, to become more restrained and wise. The marriage with Tom was intoxicating like real intoxication. I was so young, and it seemed to me that in such a street and a true love is manifested. What kind of child I was! That respect and reverence, which I feel for the Whale, goes with my roots in my destroyed first marriage. "

Do you have any family habits, the traditions that you choose?

Nicole: "I know, it sounds old-fashioned, but I consider her husband the head of the family and consult with him in all the little-old issues. He is our captain. He sets the direction, and we go behind him - children and me. On the other hand, Kit himself may not be advised to me. In the end, the real man himself knows how and what to do. "

What are you waiting for from the future?

Nicole: "You know, our younger boy with a kid appeared on the light of five years ago, when I was forty-three years. My grandmother gave birth to forty-nine years. I do not think that there is some kind of "forbidden" age when you get my mother late - after all, you can always adopt your baby! And every day I wake up with the thought: "I hope that I am pregnant!"

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