Security Rules: how to avoid tick bite


With the arrival of heat began the season of tick activity. According to Rospotrebnadzor, the Yaroslavl and Tver Region are considered among the areas adjacent to the Moscow region, and the Moscow region is Taldom and Dmitrovsky districts. Reminds security rules.

How to avoid bite? Experts argue that the clothes are best protected from ticks. There must be long sleeves on cuffs, a shirt or a T-shirt are filled with pants, the neck is maximally closed, the bottom of the trousers are hidden in high shoes, on the head of the cap, panama or handkerchief. It is better to choose the clothes of light shades, it is better visible in the insects. It is also necessary to handle open areas of skin and clothing with repellents. Most carefully need to apply drugs to your feet. According to experts, the vestibular apparatus of ticks is configured to vertical ascent. And it is from the bottom. Most often, the parasites get to the place of bite.

When the tick bite, local anesthetic is distinguished, so a person nor an animal feel no danger. Tick ​​bite painless. Therefore, on returning home from a walk before entering the room, you need to carefully inspect yourself and your loved ones, as well as pets. Special attention should be paid to the scalp, neck, places behind the ears. Carefully view all the upper clothes and only after that go to the house.

At the cottage you need to regularly mow grass. Pliers do not like the bright sun and hide in the shade, so they will be uncomfortable on the trimmed lawn or they will die at all. The plot can be treated with special chemical compositions, but it is necessary to do it before the opening of the country's season with a specialist. Dachnings with experience advise on the perimeter of the site to plant plants that will scare the pests. This is a pyrzym ordinary, mint cat, lavender narrow-on, rosemary medicinal, chrysanthemum, Dalmatian chamomile.

What if the tick was bitten? Experts are persistently recommended not to extract their own ticks, because with an inept approach the insect head most often remains under the skin of a person. The most faithful behavior is to contact a traumopuncture or the nearest medical institution where qualified assistance will be provided. Human infection After the tick bites occurs, no earlier than a day. Therefore, time to refer to the specialists, abounding. After extracting insect, it needs to be sent to the analysis to the laboratory. But the tick should be alive. To do this, you need to moisten with water with water and put it in a test tube or a container with a tightly closing lid. Plant the tick on the melt, spin the lid and remove into the refrigerator. If you failed to save ticks, then you have three days to conduct analyzes in a special laboratory.

And most importantly: for a man whom the tick was bitten, the first time needs to be carefully observed. Incubation period of diseases that are transmitted by pliers can reach several weeks. It is necessary to regularly inspect the place of bite, measure the temperature. And if some person's reactions cause concerns, then contact the doctor.

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