Dmitry Sordun: "The wife saw me with a new hairstyle and said:" Oh, as in youth "


- Dmitry, they say, not everyone got to the finals of the filming. Is it really so?

- The fact is that we worked for a very long time, 30 hours without a break. Therefore, some actors surrendered the body, and they had to let go of early. And the most persistent remained and reached the final. But everyone is alive, and no one has suffered.

- What is it - not to sleep for 30 hours?

- Honestly, when I arrived home, I couldn't sleep because of the nervous tension. I had a very good school on Eurovision, there was no longer to sleep there. Therefore, I suffered 30-hour shooting normally. But those who have encountered this for the first time, have experienced this stress.

- Shorting bangs, you have changed a lot. Did you do it for the clip or just wanted to change?

- I just decided to trim. I wanted to be a sample of 2007.

- Do you like what you see today in the mirror?

- I'm not used to regret anything. Hair is a corrected business. And I think they will grow soon enough.

- How did the wife of Victoria and the Son Yang treated your image change?

- Fine. We with Vika experienced different external states. I was a blond when I participated in the "People's Artist". I was with a long bang on the "factory" and with short hair on Eurovision. Therefore, Vika simply said: "Oh, as in youth."

According to the plot of the new video "I will love you", Dmitry Koldun's hero needs to be eliminated by a gang of criminals to protect the beloved from their attack. .

According to the plot of the new video "I will love you", Dmitry Koldun's hero needs to be eliminated by a gang of criminals to protect the beloved from their attack. .

- You said that artists in their clips often embody what they lack them in life. In the plot of the clip you are dealing with a gang to protect the lover ...

- No, everything is easier. I was used to perceiving as a romantic hero. And maybe do not expect such tough things as in this clip. I have been looking at the militants, fantastics since childhood. Therefore, I wanted something like that invent myself.

- When they felt like a hero of the militant, what films remembered?

- Of course, my favorite "matrix" with Kiana Rivz and paintings with Jean-Claude Van Damm. I wanted to look like them in childhood. They were so cool. We defeated many gangsters, but they remain unharmed.

- Can you hit a person?

- It is hard to say. I had to apply the force in emergency situations for self-defense purposes. I do not like to attack and do not climb into conflicts. After the student years, fought only once. And then, despite my reluctance, I had to get involved in the conversation, since the character was too aggressive.

- What does a man feel when a gun is sent to him?

- We joked at the site: as if the shooting of the video did not end as the shooting of the film "Raven" with Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee's son was mortally wounded during work on one of the scenes of the film. - Ed.). But we had a weapon, there was not a combat, the uluzh ... For some reason, during the filming, I remembered childhood more, as we played the war with the toy guns.

Dmitry Sordun:

The main character in the video was played by the actress Valery Kozhevnikova, who literally flew out of London, where the laziness of Lene Riephental in the project "Lenii" British director Adrian Vtoria is played. At the Valeria site tried everyone to maintain and subbad

- Did you think about what is able to live in real life?

- My family is the most expensive people for me. Therefore, such questions never stood for me. Everything that is material in this world does not matter much compared to what my family represents for me.

- At the beginning of the summer, you were 30 years old, of which you spent half with Victoria. Your spouse today and 15 years ago - two different people?

- Naturally, all change. October eighth will be 14 years old, as I got acquainted with Vika. Of course, there were difficulties in relationships. We parted. Then we were young, careless. Yes, we thought about what would happen in a year. But we did not think how we would live in 15 years. Then it was a happy childhood. Now - happy adult life.

Sergey Gevorgiz was played by Sergey Gevorgiz, who came to the Guinness Book of Records on the Rod Lyzhima. Sergey broke the world record that no one could exceed more than a hundred years. Once Dmitry Koldun met Sergey in the gym. They are already friend

Sergey Gevorgiz was played by Sergey Gevorgiz, who came to the Guinness Book of Records on the Rod Lyzhima. Sergey broke the world record that no one could exceed more than a hundred years. Once Dmitry Koldun met Sergey in the gym. They are already friend

- Your life has changed when Yang was born in 2013?

- changed, of course. I began to sleep less. So we can say that the son has traveled me to such long shooting. I also had a feeling of some kind of tenderness, which I had not yet noticed in myself.

- Do you often confine them to love?

- Everyday…

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