Sati Casanova refused colors and gifts


"How happily I was at 11 am to see about 200 greeting posts! Sea flowers, gifts and so sincere smiles! Thank you, my relatives. You are the biggest value! Happy! " - Wrote Sati in his microblog.

At the party wishing to congratulate birthdays, too, there was a lot. Victoria Bonya, Irina Nelson, Julia Parshut, Evelina Blondes, Alena Sviridova, Vlad Lisovec, Factory Group and others were noticed.

Sati Casanov congratulated her native sister Marysh.

Sati Casanov congratulated her native sister Marysh.

Gennady Avramenko

Sati asked guests not to give her gifts and flowers, but to make a voluntary fee for helping the sick child and buying a piano for the orphanage.

Among the guests of Sati was also noticed the son of Joseph Kobzon, Andrei, with which a couple of years ago, the novel was attributed for a birthday boy. Andrei, despite the request, the birthday knows nothing to her, yet handed it a little box.

Among the guests of Sati was also noticed the son of Joseph Kobzon, Andrei, with which a couple of years ago, the novel was attributed for a birthday boy. Andrei, despite the request, the birthday knows nothing to her, yet handed it a little box.

Gennady Avramenko

As a result, about 300 thousand rubles were collected. At the party, she also handed her own award called "Man-cleament" (for the contribution to the area of ​​a conscious, healthy and happy lifestyle). Among the awarded, the former colleague of Kazanova under the "Factory" group, Irina Tveva, was represented - she won the nomination "incomprehensible. Are there any aliens. " And Dima Bilan was presented a bench for meditation for victory in the nomination "For whom the meditation cries".

On the holiday there was not a drop of alcohol, and coconuts were offered as snacks, filled with useful coconut water, vegetable snacks and Indian vegetarian dishes. Perhaps many surprised all this, but not close birthdaynitsa. They know that Sati has long been leading a healthy lifestyle: the singer is a vegetarian and refused to alcohol.

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