Receptions that will help to establish an intimate life


Over time, even the strongest steam has problems in an intimate life. If you can't remember when the last time you anticipated the evening leisure with my man, we are ready to help you, namely, we will tell about some techniques that will help return harmony in bed.

Add more activity to your life

Add more activity to your life


More walks

It is no secret that the quality of sexual life directly depends on the physical form. It is especially worth considering this factor after 35 years, when you have to apply much more effort to maintain the form than, permissible, at 25.

According to experts, the increase in training contributes to the emission of the energy that can be found properly use in bed. So add more movement to your life!

Practice relaxing massage

One of the best ways to improve libido is a massage, and any type of massage is suitable. The process itself relaxes, in addition, a hormone of oxytocin is produced during the massage. From its level in the body depends on the degree of excitement of a woman and its partner.

Sexologists advise practicing a relaxing and erotic massage at least several times a week for half an hour.

Arrange a romantic evening with a massage

Arrange a romantic evening with a massage


Divide the impressions with their half

Postpone case on the other day and spend the evening for watching the sensual film in an intimate setting. This method works especially well if you ended the ideas about how to surprise your partner. With a successful selection of the film, you are most likely not to look at it to the end, moving into the bedroom.

Exclude annoying factors

Of course, household and work affairs pursue us even in their free time. Unpaid bills and loans hang over us in situations when we least want to think about it.

In this case, offer your partner to spend time long before the evening: prepare dinner, go together to the movies, arrange a long prelude - all this will help for some time to move real life into the background, and you can enjoy a friend.

Spend a day alone

Spend a day alone



Do you know that certain smells are able to stimulate sexual attraction? The most notable effect of cucumber, roses and licorice fragrances. According to experts, they increase blood flow in the field of pelvis in women by about 15 percent. For a long effect, store flavored bag close to the head, when you sleep, you can even under the pillow. You yourself will not notice how to return before the forgotten feelings in your intimate life.

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