Without tears: We learn the kid to brush your teeth


Every parent knows how difficult it is to lure the baby in the bathroom, especially if it comes from the morning when you need to quickly get together and go on business. In such a situation, many mothers lose control, as a result - spoiled day from the morning. Of course, in a couple of days it is impossible to teach the baby correctly care for the oral cavity, but at the same time there is nothing complicated, the main thing is, your perseverance and sequence.

Patience, patience and patience again

Probably the most important parent quality. It is important to be able to find a balance between perseverance and freedom, it does not mean that you can let the situation on samonek, allowing the child to care for your teeth: keep yourself in your hands, even if the child is capricious, with time you will achieve yours if you are persistent and calm.

Get a consultation of a specialist

Get a consultation of a specialist

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

No award

Most parents from generation to generation make the same mistake - for each cleaning of teeth, the kid receives what he wants. For a child should not become the norm that he commits a daily ritual. The baby must understand that the cleaning of the teeth is not an unpleasant process for which you can get your favorite ice cream, and the usual routine, which also holds parents, including - give the child an example, not passing the cleaning of the teeth and attracting the child to the bathroom with you.

Get a consultation of a specialist

If in our childhood the campaign to the dentist was something like a terrible punishment, then today the dental office does not inspire such horror as before. With the next visit of the dentist, ask the doctor to advise you and your child, how to properly care for your teeth: you can use a specialist, and the baby clearly explain why and how to clean my teeth, and what will happen if you ignore the brush with pasta.

Do not forget to praise a child

You can come up with any ritual after the kid brings his teeth as it should. The main thing, no awards, as we have said, but you still need to praise to get a child. Suppose you can do something like a homemade wall, on which you will celebrate every cleaning of the teeth at first: you can collect a drawing of stickers, adding a new part in the morning and in the evening after completing the procedure. Children, as a rule, are delighted with such a mother's such initiative.

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