Soloist "Soprano Turkish" told how presting the form during pregnancy


As you know, last week Iveta Rogova gave birth to a daughter. The joyful news was looking forward to not only the singer's family, but also her colleagues. After all, the producer of the team Mikhail Turkish and his wife Liana all the pregnancy strongly supported and helped the future mother. "Even childbirth, on the recommendation of Liana, I took the same doctor an obstetrician-gynecologist, as she," said Eveta.

Therefore, the day before the birth of a child in the house of young parents began to come gifts and congratulations from star friends. The Turkish family, as experienced parents (at the Star Couple, four daughters), gave a new mammy a lot of useful "gadgets" of useful "gadgets". Of course, it was not without branded accessories and clothes for the future fashionista.

Iveta Rogov recently discharged from the hospital. With my family. .

Iveta Rogov recently discharged from the hospital. With my family. .

One of the first happy friends congratulated a big friend of the family, singer Lyubov Uspenskaya. With her light hand, a newborn appeared car seats, a playpen, a chair for feeding, a video nanny and many other pleasant and useful things.

Young parents chose a name for her daughter for a long time. "The husband wanted the baby to call the letter" e ", since his name is Edgar," the singer remembered. - I also wanted to be from my behalf at least a beech. We went through, probably all the names and eventually stopped on the name Edita. "

Father girl - violinist, actor and producer Edgar Hakobyan - admits that the birth of his daughter became not only happiness for him, but also a powerful incentive: "Now I work three times more than before: debuted as a movie acter and producer, moreover, still Many speaking as a violinist. I have big plans. I want the beauty-daughter proud of the Father. "

Parents do not think about the future girl, but about the continuation of his career Evening tells confident. Surprising colleagues, the artist went on stage until the last day of pregnancy. In addition to rehearsals 5-6 hours a day, it swam in the pool and 10 kilometers went on foot to keep health and shape.


Iveta Rogov a week before the birth took part in the shooting of the video "Pilot Ivanov". .

"The question of whether it is not discussed about whether it is not discussed at all!" Explained Evening. "The husband supports me in the desire to return to work rather. Edgar is an artist, like me, we have equally strong temperament and professional aspirations. Pregnancy is not A hindrance for creativity. A week before the birth, I even took part in the shooting of a new clip on the song "Pilot Ivanov". In general, I plan after a month and a half already to return to my girls, because we are preparing a great concert program. "

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