Lena Lenin on how to pass the interview


As the head of a number of areas in business, the chief editor and the owner of the network of franchises of Manicure Lenin's studios, I regularly spend interviews with candidates for one or another post. Most often I select assistants. Assistant, or assistant, in Russian, is the first step in business on the stairs to the heights of success. Career of many of my familiar multimillioners began with the "Look-Giving-Bring" functionality. And already in this, the standard for business is a state, it is immediately seen who will go far, and the one who will never make a career and will not become a millionaire.

For example, a girl who is not embarrassed asks the potential employer when he releases it from the interview, will never receive this job. Because it is idling with a person who can pay any salary that his affairs are not very important compared to her divishes. And that her in life has things to be more likely, for example, fool-girlfriends or relationships with men. But after all, personal life with the same in the level, as she herself, rustic guys, nothing to do with a possible communication with men with a higher social status, on which she could claim if he had grown professionally and socially. And communication with the fools-girlfriends can not be comparable to career growth, which will allow not only to earn money, but also surround themselves with smarter and successful people.

One who comes an hour earlier or 15 minutes later will not get the desired position

One who comes an hour earlier or 15 minutes later will not get the desired position


There will be no interview and the one who is on any critical remark, with conscious to check the boundaries of stress resistance, or simply from unbearable not to cleaned, starts to climb into the bottle and snap. And this instead of the only possible answer to any question "Yes, dear" in dealing with higher-level or on the stairs to success.

Will not receive a post and one who even after passing the interview, despite the beautiful suit and smart eyes, on the first day of the test period, at a meeting with the senator, the first hand will stretch the hand for a handshake. Yes, and palm down. It is not enough, it turns out to buy a suit, it was also necessary to look into the book of etiquette.

He will not receive a job and one who came to the interview for an hour earlier or 15 minutes later. Only a very high-organized person can make a career. And punctuality is the first basic rule in achieving career success. And you should not try to come on time, it is fraught with traffic jams. 10-15 minutes before the designated time - the most correct time to arrive a polite applicant. In the office even invented a harsh method of fighting lateness: it came not 15 minutes before the appointed date - you go to Malina. If the boss car is clean, you wash any dirty car in the yard. To never be no longer wanted. And then you will not believe, there are eccentrics that this inhuman method of education does not help. Then he is simply not taken to work. After all, it is also important not the purity of the car neighbors on the office, but the punctuality of the employee.

That or that, who allows themselves to appear on a business interview not in a business form, especially if this work is not a coach on physical education, either will not pass further than others. Competition of colossal, unemployment is enormous and there is always a hundred of those who will not allow themselves to risk the place due to sludge or inconsistencies in the dress code of position. The potential assistant cannot afford to appear both in an evening dress with a decollete and in sneakers, in a pink blouse or in a plaid flannel shirt. Yes, and with leaning unwashed hair in the style of loyal ladies. To work in the office there is only one style, business, and only two colors, black and white. In extreme cases, for cunning chinovation, gray.

I will not take a job and one who comes to the interview often says the word of three letters and this is not what hangs on the fence. There is such a unpleasant to all people on Earth, a word that mother wrestles the baby's finger pulling to the outlet. This word quits the whip of the whip. It all causes a subconscious approach and negative. So why do they swing on the interview? Is it better to avoid all the denial particles if you want to like?

And also, I taking advantage of the regularity of job interviews, I select my friends-businessmen to employees. From the administrator of the star friend, to the driver's driver's wife oligarch. But still I do not understand why people do not know themselves? And do not want to know. How can introvert and logic, for example, try to get a seller, and ethics and irrenoval accountant? And not only after all, they ask for the positions of inappropriate by their positions, but also four more, and even six, the years are pre-examined by their specialty in pseudo, spending money of the state or parents. Is it really so difficult to read a couple of psychological agents about the types of characters and their inconsistencies to different activities? And about Jung or Socionics, in general, the layers did not hear. Of course, it is easier for several years in the cat under the tail, than to study myself.

Or only I understand that my friend, Dmitry Balzer-Bondarenko, the owner of the nursery of plants and the landscape company PLUSY, as a gardener, need an introvert, so that he talked smaller with the plants, and as a work manager with VIP clients - ethics And extrovert, to politely and threw a lot of heavy passengers? So why are the applicants for these posts go on the contrary: to work with customers - mile and sociophobes, and for working with plants - chatters?

Or as you can ask for a post of logist to the warehouse of the tile and plumbing to my friend, Vitaly Charlay, the owner of the company Ceramics Garant, being an irrational and illogical, and creative and irrational artist?

Or, only I understand that the Malar for the construction king of repairs, Dmitry Krninov, should go applicants with eyes, sensory and visuals, and not those who are so inattentive and scattered, which simply does not see the difference between the milk-white and white-white colors?

In general, my dear millions of applicants for the best share and big money, those who are responsible for the current unemployment to the vacancy in the number of nine hundred people in place per day, study themselves before. Complete tests for professionality. Consult those who know you, as irradiated. And choose yourself work in character and inclinations. So that the employer of the breadwinner and society benefits to bring, and the pleasure of her beloved work to receive!

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