How to get acquainted with yourself


Now in the world, and in particular in the CIS countries, there is a tendency to fool into some frameworks and templates of a "happy person." Does this approach work? Not. And what happens, consider on the example.

Imagine that you are a bunny, but someone wants to convince you that you are an ostrich, and makes you pump out the cost of ostrich, move to Africa and run through wild prairies. But you are a bunny, and you will always be a bunny, even if you skillfully disguise. As a result, such a bunny has a whole list of psychological problems - for example, does not know what he wants.

Imagine you - Bunny

Imagine you - Bunny

And you can not even imagine how much the statistics of such "zakicostraus" sadness! Because all Karabasam-drums are beneficial if you are comfortable, subordinated and led, do not know and do not accept, live in other people's goals and dreams. To prevent this, it is important to be yourself and know yourself, and for this I offer you one resource game.

Test for self-knowledge

Imagine that you are an animal - what? Where do you live, how are you moving, what way of life lead? And also imagine that people around you are too animals - who are they doing?

Please note what animal you chose - homemade or wild, agricultural or dweller jungle, fish or bird? How fast is this animal or, on the contrary, slow?

Note what animal you have chosen - homemade or wild

Note what animal you have chosen - homemade or wild

And now think about that of this about your life, what are your values ​​and priorities? Because the most important criterion for staying in harmony is to go behind you and your needs.

Suppose you chose sloths - do not like a hurry, do a qualitatively 2-3 business per day and at the same time absolutely happy. For someone it is terrible and like death, and you like and let it be so! It is better to be a happy sloth than to live in the rhythm of the cheetah and feel nice and stupid - according to the result, you will not get the results, but the self-esteem will fall below the sea level.

Remember that self-knowledge is based on your honesty in front of yourself, so do not try to choose an animal abruptly, more similar to and paint. Choose what the heart and intuition tell you, and it is known to know the great thing.

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