Smile, gentlemen, smile!


Believe it or not, but the smile has a significant impact on our lives. For example, it helps to get acquainted with new people and even get promotion. We are accustomed to perceive a smile as a sign of happiness and good mood, in fact it means much more. What is its real power?

Smiling people earn more

According to the study of the National Academy of US Sciences, adolescents who were more often smiling, in adulthood earned 30% more than their gloomy peers. According to scientists, the smile sends a signal to the brain that we are happy. After that, the body begins to produce endorphins (hormones of happiness), which raise the mood. When the "happiness signal" enters the brain, the human body, as a rule, reduces the frequency of respiration and heart abbreviations, which contribute to relaxation. The decrease in stress levels is very beneficial to health as a whole: blood pressure decreases, the digestion is improved and the level of blood sugar is normalized, the emotional state is improved, which allows you to better focus on work and achieve excellent results.

Smile promotes family happiness

American scientists came to this conclusion, analyzing children's photographs of people aged 65 years. The conclusions were amazing: the number of divorces from those who smiled a lot in childhood was 25% less.

Scientists assure that a smile contributes to family happiness

Scientists assure that a smile contributes to family happiness

This is explained by the fact that positively configured people are not only more attractive, they are ready to compromise and look for an optimal solution even in the most difficult situations.

The wider smile, the more confidence

A smile with closed lips can be interpreted by surrounding as a sign of distrust and insecurity. Psychologists agree that the wider our smile, the higher our self-confidence. People with such a smile are always more friendly and are folded, which means that any doors can open.

Formula of a beautiful smile

In 2016, one of the largest chewing gum production companies in conjunction with the Center for Psychometry at the University of Cambridge prepared a study "Smile in response" (Smile Back).

People with healthy teeth smile significantly more often

People with healthy teeth smile significantly more often

The results of the study showed that the state of the teeth can have a significant impact on how often people smile. It has been established that people with healthy teeth smile significantly more often, they demonstrate a higher level of self-esteem and life satisfaction. Unfortunately, not everyone boasts healthy teeth. However, to preserve a healthy smile is completely simple: it is enough to visit the dentist regularly, do not forget about the cleaning of the teeth and use the chewing gum without sugar after each meal meal.

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