Svetlana Khodchenkova marries


With his fiancian George Petrishin, Khodchenkova met four years ago in a circle of common friends in one of the Moscow restaurants. Then the stars of film and show business gathered once again to play the mafia. Came to the club to play and young businessman. And as a result, he met his love. This happened after she divorced her first husband, an actor Vladimir Jaglich, with whom he lived for five years. By the way, 32-year-old Jaglych himself is happy with a 25-year-old actress by Antonina Pavenna, the daughter of Ukrainian artists Olga Sumy and Eugene Poppernogo. True, there is no speech about the wedding yet.

The fact that last year Khodchenkova received a proposal of his hand and hearts, everyone learned thanks to Petrishin's act. During the next performance, the "Love Story" in the Theater of the Film Actor, where Svetlana played a major role, a man went on stage, got on one knee and handed the girl a ring. Hodchenkova froze for a moment, and then closed her eyes with his hand, swinging. As a result, she said the cherished "yes."

George Petrishin is engaged in a business related to outdoor advertising in Moscow. Before that, he worked in a construction company. It is rumored that he met Svetlana with other famous girls, for example, with graduates of the "Star Factory" - Vika Daineko and Rita Dakota. Both, by the way, are now married, and Vika has recently become a mother.

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