Nitee lifting: revolutionary novelty


The aging of the skin is not only wrinkles, but also "I went" the oval faces. And if peelings, botox and hardware procedures are cope with wrinkles, then only plastic surgery has been saved from PTOsa until recently.

With the advent of minimally invasive filament lifting operations lost their relevance. Now instead of general anesthesia, cuts and long rehabilitation, aesthetic medicine offers a 40-minute procedure under local anesthesia, and then enjoy youth and beauty without changing the lifestyle and without falling out of the work schedule.

History sewing

"The evolution of the face lift includes more than a century," Elena Radion says, a dermatocosmetologist of the BELLE ALLURE Institute of Beauty. - In the early 1900s, the first lifting operations were carried out, which were isolated skin excision in the temporal and ear regions. In the middle of the last century, surgeons did circular face suspenders, and in the 70s a new technique was originated - Smas-lifting, allowing even pronounced age-related facial changes.

But still patients walked reluctant to operations: in addition to long after-operational discomfort and bruises with edema, they stopped the considerable price of such aesthetic correction.

The search for new alternatives led to the appearance in the 80s of gold threads, which were introduced under the skin for rejuvenation. At that time, the pronounced speech tightenment was not yet, thin golden threads were simply placed under the skin in order to enhance microcirculation in the adjacent tissues. This ensured the influx of oxygen and nutrients, as well as the stimulation of metabolic processes.

Later, platinum were added to the golden threads, combinations of two materials appeared: the finest thread of the gold of the highest test or platinum was screwed to the thread-conductor from the biodegradable suture. Over time, the filament conductor was sissing without a trace,

And the precious metal remained under the skin. This method of rejuvenation lasted on the market of cosmetology services for about 20 years, and then practically sued no.

Practice has shown that precious threads have much more than minuses than pluses. First, gold and platinum threads were not attached to the tissues and were not able to mechanically tighten the skin; secondly, they caused fibrosis; Third, due to the work of the facial muscles, the subtle fragile threads rushed and sometimes even got out of the skin; In addition, the presence of metal under the skin is a contraindication to modern hardware techniques - radio wave lifting, laser influence and many others.

At the end of the 20th century (on the change of "Golden Fever") plastic surgeons invented thin flexible non-disseminating threads, which are installed subcutaneously on special technology - with the use of a scalpel (after installing the thread, it is necessary to make cuts to fix it). Made non-disseminating threads from polypropylene - synthetic material, which is alien to our body. During the procedure, a certain part of the tissue is wrapped in a thread and pulls up to the fixation point, then the threads are securely secured in the temporal or ear region.

The next step in the development of the nite lifting was non-disseminating threads with microcards, which, after the introduction, were repent of the Christmas tree and allowed to fix the fabrics in the new polo. The filaments with microcards do not shift and do not migrate, give the opportunity to the surgeon confidently model the oval of faces.

The further development of the method is associated with the emergence of non-scratching threads in 2007, supplemented with elements of fixation with a small polyolic acid content. Now the threads began to work immediately in two directions - they mechanically moved the stimulated fabrics to the right position and stimulated neocoland.

However, with all the obvious advantages of non-reprehensive threads, there are significant disadvantages:

They are injected into a fairly deep layers, where large blood vessels and nerve bundles are located, which can be accidentally hurt during the procedure; Elements of fixation in such threads are made from another material, rather than the threads themselves, so at the time of the suspenders they can shift or tear off;

polypropylene, from which the threads are created, with time it can cause the formation of pathogenic collagen, that is, lead to fibrosis of tissues;

Because of the fibrosis, the procedure for formulating such threads cannot be carried out repeatedly, this can lead to infection and other undesirable consequences.

Thus, it is impossible to call the procedure of lifting by unproductive threads in any way, although it has become a breakthrough in aesthetic medicine. "

New turn

Relatively recently in Russia appeared new resorblift threads from 100% polyolic acid related to our body. They are designed by Dr. Field of the Touron and the French Medical Laboratory of Choc Medical. Resorblift Film Fitting For more than eight years, successfully apply to leading European experts and the whole world. So what is the breakthrough here?

"Polillic acid contributes to the destruction of the old collagen and the formation of new collagen fibers, which provides support for tissues and a kind of additional framework," Elena Radion explains. - In addition, it is a biorevitalitis, stimulates the synthesis of young cells, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.

Doctors have long been looking for a simple, safe, small-acting and effective way of not only the elimination of age-related changes, but also their prevention. Nite elevating lifting with polyolic acid threads is the most natural and physiological alternative to traditional plastic operations, especially at the initial stages of aging.

As you know, skin aging mechanisms are associated with a decrease in the quality of collagen and elastin fibers, due to which the strength and elasticity of the skin is changing. And polyolic acid allows you to stimulate the work of fibroblasts, to increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin and thereby improve the quality of the skin.

In contrast to polypropylene threads, polymellight are completely dissolved, derived from the body for a period of 3 to 12 months. They do not lead to fibrosis, which has been proven by histological studies, do not cause reactions of rejection, withstand the load up to 6 kg, they can be updated as needed, and the positive result from the procedure is preserved up to 5 years.

Resorblift threads have many microcaves located in different directions, which allows you to carry out a mechanical suspension and fasten the fabric for a long time at the desired level. As acid dissolves, a natural collagen frame is formed, which will hold the skin in the same position, which was achieved at initial fixation.

Thus, without traumatization of the patient, without traces and numerous punctures, a pronounced and long lifting effect is ensured.

The introduction of threads occurs under local infiltration anesthesia that does not cause edema. The threads themselves are located in the hypoderma, which guarantees the absence of such complications as damage to the nerves and vessels.

To date, the threads allow you to tighten any desired area, be it cheeks, cheeks, nasolabial folds, chin, eyebrows, forehead. For unproductive yarns, the forehead zone has always been greater difficulty, since the skin is thin here, and there are almost no subcutaneous fiber tissue, so the threads could be contoured. With the help of threads of polyolic acid, you can easily pull up your eyebrows and raise the forehead, which is why the look becomes more open.

Usually, indications for the procedure serves a change in the facial, the appearance of balls and the second chin, nasolabial folds, tightening the inner surface of the hands, hips, anterior abdominal wall. As for age, there are no restrictions here. The fact is that someone's signs of PTOs may appear in 25-30 years, someone has only 40-45. The doctor should always look at the patient's fabric condition.

It is very good to use absorbable threads as a preventive action against aging, that is, make a nice lifting in a relatively young age (30-37 years), when there are no noticeable age changes. This approach allows you to suspend the natural process of tissue omission and even prevent the need for plastic operations in the future. "

But do not think that these threads are only for middle-aged women. Even at the age of 70, they will help noticeably improve their faces and reduce skin sagging. Of course, the sooner to take the case, the more impressive there will be a result.

By the way, men, who traditionally, apply to any interventions in their appearance, also assigned to the resolution of the threads. Representatives of strong sex, as a rule, severe dense skin, inclined with time to ptosis and the appearance of nasolabial folds. Threads allow us to successfully tighten the average third of the person and return the person a youthful look, without knocking out men from the working chart and without damping the usual physical activity.

What to wait?

The technique of producing threads from polyolic acid is very simple, safe and takes only 40 minutes. After the procedure, the pulp effect is noticeable immediately, and the familiar features of the face and normal facial expansion are completely preserved. At once, it is introduced from 2 to 8 threads, depending on the condition of the tissues and the skin type. With a small-deductible type of aging and fine leather, it is usually required less than the threads than with a deformation type and a "heavy" face. But the optimal result can be achieved in all cases.

Patients prone to completeness are recommended advanced hardware

To reduce subcutaneous fiber, especially in the field of the second chin.

After the procedure, it is better to avoid harsh mimic movements for two or three days, it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, a sauna, solarium for a month. Also contraindicated for three months deep massage and physiotherapy, because these impacts will contribute to the accelerated resorption of polyolic acid, the process of updating collagen will not have time to try to start.

Lifting with polyolic acid threads does not leave behind skin damage, especially scars. Maximum, which may occur in people with sensitive skin, -

Small hematomas at the injection site of the threads that disappear without a trace within a few days.

Thus, thanks to the thread lifting, you can look at all hundred at any age, without resorting to radical measures.

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