Alena Sviridova: "I still encouraged the opponent"


- Alena, you did not shoot clips for almost three years. What was it connected with?

- It was very hard for the promotion of my past product. I wrote a song, took the clip to the solo concert. But the main Moscow radio stations did not take her.

- notorious non-format?

- Yes. Then everything was unwound from the province, where they began to put a song on the radio. And only six months later, a clip appeared on the music channels. How many strength it was worth it! It was a titanic work, I just beat my head against the wall.

- And you counted that the heater is not worth it?

- I needed to stay, gather with new forces. Especially since the child went to school (the youngest son of the singer Grisha. - Ed.). I decided that I could not give all myself to the struggle, because of which my family suffers.

- At the presentation of the video, your guests have been awarded "C'EST LA VIE" category "18+". What is so terrible in it?

- Well, I strangled a rival there very coolly. (Laughs.)

- That is, sex, lies and videos are present?

- Sure. (Laughs.) In fact, it was the secret desires of my heroine. Major Fabul Video - Psycho Analytics Session. And all my thoughts become visible - such a rather subtle psychological work turned out.

- You are the author of the song, and who wrote a script for the clip?

"Director Igor Steklianko, but I also brought some things.

- Told about some kind of secret desires or remembered someone else's experience?

- It seems to me that such thoughts are present in all people. Sometimes they are very strong and it seems to us that we are capable of desperate things.

- Long worked on the roller?

- Removed in Kiev. I arrived a day to pick up the costumes. Removed almost a day. We all had clearly painted, as, as well as. I was told: "Let's finish by five in the morning." And we were released at 5.15!

Alena Sviridova:

"I needed to stay, gather with the forces." .

- did not move away from the schedule.

- completely! I am very grateful to the Ukrainian colleagues who did everything very professionally. Everyone worked, no one was breathing, despite the fact that we were actually on our feet. In fact, I am in complete delight and from work, and from people.

- After such a long break, it was hard to take a shooting process?

- Not. I am a person working and never in a simple to lie and spit into the ceiling. And I am always interested to watch your fantasies come to life in the picture, it turns out. This is a very pleasant feeling.

- And the opponent was easy to strangle?

- As it turned out, it is not easy. She is so young, beautiful, with a thin neck. When I put my hands on her, then I was scared. I remembered all famous murderers, even Skolnikov. (Laughs.)

- As you know, in the summer you live with your son in a recently purchased house in Kerch. Grisha did not take pictures, still not so far everything happened?

- I flew from Moscow and did not take my son with me. It seems to me that there are a lot of expectations during filming. The episode itself is removed not long, but the rearrangement of light, the new grima, the change of dislocations occupy a bunch of time. All this is hard, and he is still small (gris 8 years. - Ed.).

- After the summer spent on the sea, it was hard to return to Moscow, to go with the child to school?

- Oh, hard! In the first days of September, I once again managed to return to Kerch, we shot the transfer there. And when I left, I cried. Stood in her yard, looked at the sea, as it sparkled, and the heart was poured. I hang there such beautiful apples, a bunch of flowers, grapes - some kind of paradise. And you need to leave ...

- And at home there will be someone to look around while you are not?

- Of course, there are people who will live in it and watch him.

- It is believed that his home is a lot of problems, starting with household and ending with the repair. And they arise almost constantly. Are you ready for this?

- Well, they are not so constant. This is a cottage, a small house. There is a large space on the street - the patio is where there is life. And the house is tiny, typical, white, like most in Kerch, from the local shelter. I did not rebuild him. There are even vintage such poliors. For example, in our village of Cappany (we are joking him in a joke, call Cannes) next door to us stands the house of 1897 buildings. And many buildings are such dates. I tried to restore myself to be similar to the house of the year before last, but did not work. The fact is that in those days, the houses decorated with interesting architectural details, very similar to stucco. But the "recipe", how to do it, unfortunately, is lost. But my house is still very good.

- No one from friends lured into their Cannes-caps?

"Everyone who comes there is driven into the columns that I have there, and want to stay forever." We simply rushed them with tears to put into the car and send to the airport. (Laughs.) Already a bunch of people put the skis there. And maybe over time, will we turn our settlement in real Cannes? No wonder they say when Brick Bardo arrived in San Tropez, it was a deaf village. And together we can make a lot and save local beauty.

All summer Alena, along with the son of Grisha, holds the sea in Native Kerch, where two years ago I bought a house. .

All summer Alena, along with the son of Grisha, holds the sea in Native Kerch, where two years ago I bought a house. .

- Buying a house - is it a gift more for you or for your son?

- For all. Grisha is very economical. It is amazing that at that age he is interested in economic work. He is the best friend of the builders. We bought a house two years ago, and every summer, as we come, we have permanent construction. Not even construction, but restoration. We were lucky - ingenious people got caught, my idea was penetrated. Of course, at first they were very surprised that I did not build a choir. And I explained to them that I want to live in a fishing house. I suspect that behind my back, they twisted his finger at the temple. (Laughs.) But then, when it began to get when they began to understand that I put in the concept of a "fishing house", somehow they really encouraged. And now they hurt for him as their own.

- And the clip is a gift for his anniversary, which happened in mid-August?

- Not. I wrote a song, and fast enough. And it seemed to me that she was worthy of a good video. Everything quickly and successfully developed.

- This year you have a special. You have noted your personal fiftieth anniversary in your dacha in Kerch. And creative twenty years how will you celebrate?

- In early November, I will have a big concert. So, taking this opportunity, I want to invite everyone. (Laughs.) Worried, I'm preparing, I do not sleep at night. The concert will be unusual in that I want to fulfill all the best songs that I have for 20 years. And it is not necessary that all famous hits will be; I pick up the compositions that fans on the site, girls from the fan club, - in general, songs that I rarely fulfill. There will be no single woman on the stage, only friends-men who will fulfill my songs without changing the text. I offered them such an experiment so that they would try to understand what a woman feels.

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