You do not fit me: what to do if there is a survey


It seems you would be good to communicate with old friends, but you already have no feeling of relaxation and feeling that you can talk to any topic. It is characteristic of a person to change, and together with the man himself changes and his surroundings, there is nothing terrible. Even if at school times, a person was your faithful companion, no need to be afraid to admit to herself that now you are already adults with their own interests that may not intersect.

We made a selection of the main signs that you should have to change the circle of communication.

Even childhood friend can bring

Even childhood friend can bring


Communication occurs on your initiative

In each company there is a person on pickup, and, if you are, thinking firmly, whether you are ready to put up with such a "arrangement of forces". A friend who really respects you and appreciates will never put you in the situation in which you will stay alone with your problem.

There should be no such thing that everyone is having fun, and you are dealing with the consequences. In the end, such communication will soon lead to a hidden offense, which will turn into a grand scandal. Should I bring to this?

You can't rely on a friend

Suppose you agreed to meet and go to the movies. You come to the appointed place, until a session remains 20 minutes, and everything is not. You start worrying, calling, and he does not answer. Of course, the film you will safely pass, you go home in anger to a friend, and it turns out that he was in a cafe with another buddy, completely forgetting you. Of course, we do not take into account really serious situations when a person could not come for a good reason, but in other cases it will be better if you and your friend will spend leisure at different times and in different places.

With friends you can discuss anything

With friends you can discuss anything


Your interests do not coincide

Each person has its own interests that he devotes for a while, nevertheless people come across, who are opposed to your hobbies, periodically ridicuing your stories about the recent exhibition of contemporary art if you, for example, an active connoisseur of painting.

You should not sacrifice your interests if another person does not want to reckon with them. Why do you spend time on a person who does not respect you.

Your friend is not interested in your life

Friendship is based for the most part on the emotional connection, so friends are usually divided by their experiences, hoping to find support from a friend. Agree, sadly when you hurry to the meeting to tell the amazing (for you) news, and your friend looks at you a dull look, with all his appearance to understand that he will not wait for it when you finish your emotional speech.

If you can't share your experiences and joys with this person, maybe he is not at all your person?

If you are always on picking up the company, over time you will begin to be a resentment

If you are always on picking up the company, over time you will begin to be a resentment


Friend refuses to support you

Any our undertaking is still at the stages of ideas in need of supporting important people for us. You may have supported general ideas with your friend at school with your friend, they built plans, but now, becoming adults, your thoughts do not find a response from a person who promised you to maintain you in everything. It is difficult to change yourself, and another person and try not to try. If a person is very expensive to you, determine the circle of topics you both will be ready to communicate, otherwise you will most likely have to break the relationship.

Of course, no need to make a friendship of trifles, the main thing is to you, and your friend was comfortable in the common company.

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