Is beauty always requires victims: myths and truth about breast implants


Implants are used in the endoprosthetics of the mammary glands. The chest implant is a dense shell with silicone gel inside. This is a safe material approved for medical use. It extremely rarely causes rejection by the body, and for this you need special prerequisites. Nevertheless, frightening myths go around the endoprosthetics. We will analyze the most popular of them.

Many people think that implants need to be changed on medical testimony. But it is not. All officially registered implants that exist in the Russian market have a lifelong guarantee. This does not exclude the possibility of their damage. However, if they retain the integrity and the woman suits the appearance, the replacement is not required. The safety of endoprostheses is confirmed by scientific research. Plastic surgeons use only such implants over the past fifteen years.

Gleb Tumakov

Gleb Tumakov

The body's reaction to implants sometimes depends on the design of the shell. It can be textured and smooth. The first implants that were used in the 1980s and 1990s were smooth and quite often caused complications in the form of capsule contractures. In this case, a rough, hard capsule develops around the implant. Because of her, the chest becomes dense, low-live and unnatural. Internal factors, such as infectious diseases, can influence. Now such a complication is extremely rare, and it is quite difficult to establish a true reason.

Another myth warns from traveling by plane in a short time after endoprosthetics. It is not at all clear where it came from this unfounded statement. With implants you can fly, dive, jump with parachute and lead an active lifestyle without any restrictions.

Implants are used in the endoprosthetics of the mammary glands.

Implants are used in the endoprosthetics of the mammary glands.

The third myth sounds like this: after the endoprosthetics through the pamperi access, the patient can not be raised his hands for a long time and perform active movements. Perhaps there are methods for carrying out the operation under which such restrictions are superimposed. But in his practice I use only those techniques that allow you to return to a familiar life and household loads the day after the operation.

After the endoprosthetics, only two rules must be observed: wear underwear during the month and avoid strong warm-up of the implant zone (in the bath, sauna, solarium or at the right sun) for six months. At this time, a soft elastic capsule is formed around the implant, necessary to maintain an attractive appearance of the breast and the ability to lead an active lifestyle.

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