Preparing the Cakes "San Trope"


You will need (for 4 servings):

For dough:

- 5 tablespoons of water;

- ½ Package of dry yeast;

- 250 g of flour;

- 1 pinch of salt;

- 70 g of sugar powder;

- 3 eggs;

- 125 g of butter;

- Zestra 1 Orange;

- 50 g of sugar sand;

- 1 yolk for lubrication.

For cream:

- 500 ml of milk;

- 1 pod of vanilla;

-3 eggs;

- 110 g of sugar powder;

- 25 g of corn starch;

- 2 tablespoons of a dark rum;

- 200 ml of cooled sour cream (30% fat);

- Orange (Flördrange water) or 2 h. Spoons of freshly conductive orange zest.

Dissolve yeast in warm water. In a bowl, place flour with salt and 40 g of sugar powder, add dissolved yeast, knead the dough, then add eggs one by one, carefully interfering. Add the softened creamy oil with pieces and lemon zest, mix again, and then leave the dough to rise for two hours, placing it in a flour sprinkled bowl and a clean cloth.

Raskatte the dough so that it becomes flat, and form 4 buns about 7 cm in diameter. Place the mug on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper (baking paper), and let the distance, let it be twice again. Prehair the oven to 200 ° C in advance.

Mix the yolk with ½ teaspoon of sugar and pinch salt, lubricate buns and bake for 25 minutes.

Prepare a cream: in a saucepan heat the milk with a pod of vanilla. In the bowl, take the eggs with 60 g of powdered sugar and corn starch. While whipping, pour hot milk. Pour it all into the saucepan and add rum. Whip on low heat until the cream thickens. Place the cream in a bowl covering the film to prevent its coverage with a crust. Cool.

Take a very cold sour cream, whipped by a mixer, and add the remaining sugar (50 grams), if you can find, add fluraerane water, if not, then just freshly the orange zest. Carefully connect both creams.

When the cakes are cooled, you need to cut them along and fill the prepared cream with a confectionery bag or spoons. Close the second circle and sprinkle with sugar powder before feeding.

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