Anna Semenovich called married thanks to Salat


On Monday, in one of the fashionable metropolitan restaurants, the famous singer Anna Semenovich was balung by a delicious food dish. To see how the pisching diva stands at the stove, a lot of curious came. Guests were crowded at the rack where Anna hosted, and diligently recorded a star recipe in his notepad.

"Today I will prepare a salad that will not spoil the female figure, - with such words the singer began to cook. - We, women, it is important that food is not only light, but also satisfying. After all, often we are concerned about our appearance. "

And Anya did not hide the guests a recipe safe for a dish figure.

"For our today's culinary dress, we will need: lettuce leaves, fresh figs, carpaccio (or ham), goat cheese, pomegranate, olive oil, balsamic sauce and lemon juice," listed Anya and began to sharpen like a real cook. The singer cleverly rolled the Parm ham and lettuce leaves. After that, she folded them into a flat salad bowl. Then Semenovich took the fig, the purified grenade (which explained the singer, is useful to eat with bones) and everything mixed thoroughly.

By refueling the cooked salad with a white fragrant sauce, which singer made up from cheese, olive oil and lemon juice, Anya began to treat guests. The first spoon went to the actor and TV presenter Alexander Oleshko. Specifying a snack, he exclaimed: "Just a stunning taste! Anya is not married? Then I suggest her hand and heart! I really like to eat, and I need a wife who will cook for me! "

After such an assessment, guests, as a team, rushed to the rack, waving forks to snatch a piece. As a result, the plate quickly empty.

And the singer, meanwhile, admitted that she is obliged to culinary abilities to her mother, who prepares just magically. The ex-participant of the group "Brilliant" by the end of the evening admitted that she often tormented temptations to eat something delicious.

"The temptations around me in excess. But I cope with this, and not to recover, we repeatedly attend the gym, but it is not the main thing! The most important role is that I go through life with a sense of love! What, of course, and I wish everyone! " - advised singer.

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