Eyes: Care rules for all ages


In the periorubital region there is practically no protective layer of fatty fiber, the coolest glands are the least active, and the skin thickness is four to five times less than on the face. Therefore, aging mechanisms are launched in this zone pretty early. Harmful contributes

Habits, lack of sleep, active mimic, vision problems that are constantly pushing, as well as the impact of ultraviolet and other negative environmental factors. Genetics plays a special role: some already in 25 years old can notice the mesh surface wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes or outstanding bags.

If there is a natural predisposition to the emergence of early signs of aging, take care of its beauty, you must begin in youth. And everyone else since 25 years will not preite competently selected care for centuries. It will help to fight the age-related skin changes and support it in excellent condition for many years.

Cleansing - first of all

All women enjoy decorative cosmetics, so the first thing to pay attention to the care of the centuries is the rules of demacia. Each time with the removal of cosmetics, eyes and eyelids are subject to considerable test, because thin skin is easily injured by incorrect movements and stretch, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

"The cosmetic industry presents several types of funds to purify the area around the eyes," says Veronica Antosik, a dermato-cosmetologist of Astreya. - They can be divorced by water (all sorts of gels, foams, mousses), represent an emulsion (milk, fluids, cream) or have an oil base, which provides additional care and skin nutrition. Natural oils themselves quite well remove cosmetics, unless it is waterproof. For example, you can take vegetable oil (olive or jojoba oil), warm it up and use it for removing makeup from the age.

It has a great importance how we remove cosmetics. Many are actively worked out with a cotton disk in different directions, just to pick up mascara and shadows as soon as possible. The result of such "care" will not slow down to affect. For proper removal of makeup, you need to know only a few secrets:

- In order not to stretch the skin of the eyelid, it is better to use cotton wands, and not cotton swabs and discs, even though it will take longer. Moch the wand in cleansing milk and carefully spend it by centuries, removing traces of eyeliner and shadows.

- Then, to remove the mascara without harm to the eyes, use the advice of professional cosmetologists: Moisten a couple of cotton disks in the milk and put them on top of a closed eye for a few minutes. During this time, the mascara fatters, and you do not have to rub the skin very much to remove it.

- No less important directions of movements during the demaciament. The upper eyelid is cleared of the inside edge of the eye to the external, and the bottom, on the contrary, from the outer edge to the inner (that is, in the direction of the temple to the nose).

- After cleansing with milk, it is necessary to additionally wash warm water with a suitable gel or foam.

- To wash off the waterproof mascara,

Use specially designed tools. They act very gently and effectively remove the remnants of cosmetics, while it is not necessary to make effort and rub eyes. "

Silk fragrant Premier Demake-Up Fluid One Step from Keenwell is suitable for cleansing all skin types. It delicately flushes cosmetics and pollution, saturates the skin with vitamins and oligoelements, moisturizes and tones it. Contains kaolin, horse chestnut and algae extracts.

In the sensitive skin of the eyelids, a lotion will be a lotion for removing makeup PBP Desmaquillante de Ojos from Keenwell. The optimal pH indicator does not irritate the skin, and pink water and chamomile extract are anti-inflammatory and soothing


Daily care

After 25 years The first signs of aging appear, and from that time (or even earlier) you need to regularly use the skin cream around the eyes. It is absolutely necessary to moisturize the thin skin of the eyelid, even the owners of oily skin, "this will help prevent early wrinkles.

"In the youth, it is better to use the means with a light texture, which improve the microcirculation of lymphs and cellular metabolism, toning and restoring the structure of the skin that protect against free radicals - emphasizes Veronika Antosik. It is desirable that they have vegetable extracts (hibiscus, chamomile, grapes), hyaluronic acid, extracts from seaweed. Oil Shi (Carite), as well as rice bran oils and canola affect dry skin.

When the skin tends to irritate the ideal solution will be a cream-contour for eye with Aloe Vera Hidraloe Eye Contour Cream from Sesderma. Aloe extract has a powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes and tones sensitive skin, regenerates the cells of the epidermis and strengthens the tissue, reduces the signs of fatigue.

To increase the elasticity of the skin and deep hydration, attention should be paid to means with hyaluronic acid. This, for example, the contour gel Glycare from Sesderma, which has an 18-hour moisturizing effect, stimulates cell regeneration, enhances the circulation of lymph, eliminating the edema of the eyelids and circles under the eyes.

After 30 years old The turn of fading processes are gaining speed, so the "heavy artillery" is required for daily care. Now the skin needs tools capable of compensating for the lack of natural lipids, stimulating the activity of fibroblasts and the production of collagen, as well as providing antioxidant


To correct photo and chronovation, choose products with biologically active

Ingredients, such as the Snailas Eye Gel gel from LipoCeutical on the basis of a snails. The sink's secret has a pronounced restoring and rejuvenating effect, contributes to the production of collagen and elastin, activates the function of aging fibroblasts, stimulates the skin epithelization. In addition, it reduces the damage caused by free radicals and increases the elasticity of the skin.

Closer to 40 years The skin around the eyes wonderfully loses its tone, and then creams with dimethylaminoethanol (Dmae) come to the rescue. Initially, DMAE was used in medicine as a biologically active additive and was appointed to slow down the aging process. It was later noted that when applied to the skin, it enhances her turgor and elasticity, smoothes small wrinkles, improves the complexion and protects cells from damage to the most dangerous varieties of free radicals.

For daily home care, you can use the contour-cream for the eyes and lips Daeses Eye and Lip Countour Cream. Thanks to Dmae, hyaluronic acid and aloe vera extract, it instantly smoothes and pulls up the skin, reduces wrinkles and lifts eyebrows. "

Salon approach

Sometimes home remedies are not enough to preserve the youth of the skin. Professionals advise from time to time to conduct intensive programs of rejuvenation, allowing many aesthetic issues in a short time.

Salon eye care from Keenwell offers a classic care program that includes:

Careful demaciage;

Easy exfoliation that prepares the skin for further penetration of active substances. Most often, for this purpose, a delicate gentle scrub is used or a surface chemical peeling is carried out. For example, milk peeling agripeel with arginine and lactic acid has a very soft exfoliating action, relieves inflammation, moisturizes and soothes the skin, increases its immunity, removes small wrinkles and pigmentation, stimulates the synthesis of fibroblasts;

Applying a collagen mask for the eye Matricol Eyes, which is a velvety "glasses" of white. It intensively moisturizes and tones the periorbital zone, restores the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, relieves irritation.

The latest novelty from Keenwell is a multicactive leather care around Progresif Professional eye, which is a program from three items:

Application on purified skin of silky multicate serum with green and red algae, chlorella extracts, palm trees and bezin flowers, acetyl tetrapeptide-5 and other intense components. Due to the drainage, it reduces the swelling of the eyelids and removes the symptoms of the skin fatigue around the eyes;

Application of a soothing lifting alginate wrinkle mask with cucumber extract.

She removes swelling, smoothes and softens the skin, gives a pleasant feeling of comfort;

Applying a lifting cream from wrinkles around the eyes. Due to its refreshing texture, it quickly absorbs into the skin and has an instant tightening effect. Contains a powerful antioxidant complex to prevent premature aging.

People inclined to active facial expressions already in 20-25 years old They may notice the formation of a mesh of characteristic wrinkles around the eyes, with age they appear practically from everyone. To suspend this process, reduce the amount and depth of wrinkles, in modern cosmetology uses a special peptide - argeline, the action of which provides a bottle effect, but is not associated with the introduction of this toxin. Argirelin with regular applied to the skin relaxes muscles, braking the transfer of nerve pulses, and prevents excessive activity of the facial expressions.

The preparations with such actions include the wrinkler of the BTSES Wrinkle Ingibitor from Sesvalia with peptides, hibiscus extract and lecithin. Thanks to the liposomal formula, it quickly delivers actors deep into the skin. The cream aligns the skin relief, smoothes mimic wrinkles, increases the tone and elasticity of the skin.

Additionally, for smoothing wrinkles, it is recommended to use external hyalurone fillers. Of course, they are less effective compared to injection circuit plastics, but do not require injections and allow for a long time to fill small and medium wrinkles, reduce their depth.

Sesderma offers its unique two-stage wrinkle filling system Fillderma Nano. At the first stage, the regenerating filler is applied, which contributes to the restoration of the dermis, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin and fibronectin. A few minutes later, the second means is applied - a hyaluron filler, which provides intensive hydration, increases the elasticity of the skin, pulls it up and lines its relief. With regular use of the system (twice a day for 6-12 months), a cumulative effect is created, and then you can go to the supporting mode (three times a week in the evening).

Bruisies under the eyes can appear for a variety of reasons, and not all of them are amenable to correction with cosmetic methods. If Syneva is caused by internal diseases (inflammation of the apparent sinuses, problems with the gastrointestinal tract), hereditary factors or close location of the vessels, then first of all it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and then eliminate the problem comprehensively.

Often, dark circles appear as a result of chronic lack of sleep and fatigue, in this case it is possible to resort to creams with a high content of vitamins C and K, Meliloto extracts, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut.

In addition, Retinol struggles quite effectively with bruises, but it must be remembered that creams with it are not recommended to use during the daytime during the active Sun (spring

and in summer).

For intensive rejuvenation and reduction of dark circles under the eyes, the cream contour Retises Eye Contour Cream from Sesderma with retinol is perfectly suitable. It reduces the thickness of the horn layer of the skin and increases the density of the granular, as a result, wrinkles are reduced, swelling and bruises under the eyes are reduced, the periorebital zone is strengthened.

"Among the probable causes of swelling under the eyes - heart and kidney disease, alcohol abuse, salt and acute food, as well as an excessive amount of fluid drilled overnight, is the story of Veronica Antosik. - However, the notorious bags may not be associated with diseases and power regimens, often in their appearance of subcutaneous hernias, which can only be removed surgically.

In all other cases, the situation can be tried to fix with the help of revising food addictions, the use of cold compresses and suitable cosmetics.

In the morning, cold compresses from the decoction sage and calendula, as well as frozen ice cubes, which are applied to the field of edema for a couple of minutes will help. The cold narrows the vessels, and swelling leaves. After the cooling compress, apply a drainage remedy with hirudin extracts, Asian and Ginkgo Biloba, routine, organic silicon.

Pronounced antique properties has a gel for removing the symptoms of fatigue around the eye Anti-Fatigue Eye Contour Gel from Keenwell with organic silicon, bisabolol, hirudin extracts and Asian centers. This is a two-phase preparation consisting of a refreshing gel and gentle cream balls that contribute to rapid skin restoration.

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