Lisa Arzamasova: "If you have trusted to play mom, then it has completely matured"


- Lisa, what did you get the role in the movie "Parliament"?

- I was very happy when I was invited to samples! Even even did not have time to read the script, and already dreamed to take me to this project, because a significant part of his filming was supposed to be held in Vladivostok. Of course, the main reason for my arrival in this city has always been what my favorite grandparents live there, but Vladivostok itself is unusual!

- You play a young mother. A completely new image for you. Difficult to reincarnate in such a heroine?

- Probably the most extreme scene in the film was the one that you and not notice if you are blinking. It goes on the screen only a few seconds, but we shot her thoroughly. This is a scene of childbirth. How beautiful the acting profession is that it allows "rehearseing reality"! Now at least a little imagine that I have once, I hope. I was very gentle in this film post. I suddenly thought that if I was entrusted to play mom, it means, really I finally matured. Previously, it often happened such that the youngest on the set - I. And here I was already responsible for the whole family.

In the frame of Lisa, it looks great in the role of mom. The actress says it feels great in a children's company

In the frame of Lisa, it looks great in the role of mom. The actress says it feels great in a children's company

Photo: Frame from the movie "Parliament"

- You got it good ...

"I am easy and quickly finding contact with children, and I am very comfortable in a children's company and fun." I love hugging and playing funny children's games. Of course, I would dream of becoming the best mom. It is now you can still think about everything free time to fill in work, but when the kids appear, I would like to spend as much time with them as much time! I hope that this happiness will happen to me.

- This year you finish the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. How is the study?

- I go on a red diploma. So far, in my certificate, no "four", although the school was "Troika". But this is still. (Laughs.) I think that in the future there will be no situation in the future when several important tasks will stand in front of me, which need to be qualitatively and fully addressed.

- Probably skip lectures due to filming. Teachers go to meet?

- I miss a lot of things, but in school the most important thing is the result. The exam is checking your knowledge. Many exams at our institute are not given to the teacher, but a computer program. The computer cannot "go to meet". You or correctly answered the question, or not, and the cold car believes your misses absolutely impassively.

- Not so long ago you admitted that you have a vision minus seven. Are there any difficulty in studying and at work?

- No, there is no difficulty in work and study. I'm used to. Sometimes, it happens, I feel embarrassed when I did not see someone from the acquaintances and did not say hello.

Lisa Arzamasova:

In the play "Conspiracy in English" Lisa appeared in an unexpected retroxy


- Lisa, you almost do not talk about my personal life. Well, at least about your first love you can tell?

- It seems to me that the real feeling, it is the only one, forever. Well, the love cannot be the first, fourth and eighteenth. I think so. Everything else should be called something differently: hobby, charm, attraction. I remember how in the children's acting studio we put the fairy tale of Pushkin "On Tsar Saltan". I played the queen and a squirrel in it. I was five years old. And I remember very well what I liked how the boy named Tolik was playing Tsarevich. And the shirt is a larger silk himself very much. Then there were summer holidays, and mom decided to make chicks at the cottage. Five quarrels and one cockerel. The rooster was looted and very bright, with scarlet breast and emerald wings. And I called him Tolik. Parents laughed very much and for some reason they asked him to not call him. Probably embarrassed that they had familiar with the same name, and they could somehow touch them. But the name in the village very quickly gothes. The rooster very loud and beautifully sang in the morning. And I remember, as a neighbor Uncle Vitya, passing by our fence, said: "Oh, the Arzamasovy, how Tolody is poured"! (Laughs.)

- Are you in love with a love person?

- I'm rather not in love, but a fondant person. I am admired talented people. But you can not call me.

- Your popularity grows every year. Mediation somehow influenced your life?

- What can I know about the impact of mediocre if it appeared in my life in childhood? Everything is fine. Without distortion. The main thing is that people who will explain to you in time that all this medio is a pshik. The positive side is that you are greedy and you smile with people who like you, negative in the fact that they sometimes come up with any absurd about you. But both are passing.

Lisa Arzamasova:

"Proper nutrition, I think very helping to keep myself in the form," said Arzamasov


- They say that you recently removed some kind of movie, and even on your own scenario ...

- This is a random "action". Somehow it happened that I wrote a rather simple story for a short meter, which will be part of a large almanac of four parts. I was offered not to postpone her in a long box. The film itself is about a meeting of two very differently organized people, about how the case and confusion sometimes help us will get acquainted with someone very important in our life and reconsider their views and habits. Will I be able to write something else, I do not know. It seems to me that it was some kind of a pleasant chance. (Laughs.) Although ... who knows what is there ahead? ..

- You always play positive characters, and in life, give the impression of a deeply positive girl who has practically no flaws. Is there anything that you still don't really like it?

- I am worn out of flaws! But if you do not see them, why will I sharpen your attention on them? (Laughs.) In general, I am looking forward to the release of the series, where, imagine, I first managed to play a negative role in movies. I played the role of the criminal of Serafim. And it's completely different than it was before!

"You probably have said that you look great." How do you care for yourself?

- It seems to me that at my age the best care for yourself is a dream and rest, especially rest from cosmetics. Proper nutrition, I think it helps to keep myself in shape. I often take fruits and yogurts to work so that there is no heavy food. In the evening I love to make a moisturizing face mask and hair mask for the recipe of a grandmother (yolk, a spoon of the ray oil and a spoon of cognac). But the most pleasant condition is to wash it with ice water and stay with a clean face without cosmetics as long as possible.

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