Course for autumn: Correct the diet with the onset of cold


Summer practically came to an end, but this does not mean that it is possible to relax to prediently prepare for the new season, throwing everything too much. It is easier to prevent the status when your body will begin to pray for help. In addition to the mandatory physical activity, you should not forget about nutrition, without which all your efforts in the gym are useless. Today we decided to talk about how not to knock down from the diet and what to pay attention to.

The season has passed

No matter how you love strawberries and other seasonal fruits and vegetables, with the onset of autumn they will no longer bring benefits. Everything has its time. Starting from September, pay attention to the autumn products: pumpkin, quince, beets, grapes and persimmon. As for apples, you can use them almost everywhere, it is important only to choose the desired variety. In the cold season, our body is especially vulnerable, and therefore do not deprive it of useful fiber and natural sources of antioxidants. It is not necessary to turn away from pumpkins, which turns out beautiful rice porridge, in the cold season, natural nutritious products will replace many pharmacy additives.

Do not forget about citruses

Do not forget about citruses


Do not forget about water

Truly promonant product - clean water. However, many admit that in the fall of drinking water is not easy, not that summer. And yet make an effort on themselves - only water can help bring toxins and cause metabolism to accelerate. If you are very difficult, add a little lemon juice or honey to a glass of water, making something like a natural cocktail. At the same time, strong coffee, without which we do not represent life in the office, on the contrary will lead to the loss of the necessary fluid, you will quickly get tired, so make a choice in favor of ordinary water, if you have a choice between your favorite drink and useful.

Citrus - our all

Another promonant guest on the table is fresh citrus. If you have problems with the stomach, consult with your attending physician, whether in your case it is worth getting with fresh oranges and lean on tangerines. As you know, citruses are a source of vitamin C, which helps our immunity to fight pathogens. Yes, and, agree, after one orange, the mood is significantly increased.

Do not give up fat

But still carefully from choosing. An example of products containing useful fats for the body: avocado, nuts, red fish. Especially useful in this row can be called nuts that will serve as an excellent snack at work and outside the house, they will enrich the body with useful substances and become an excellent source of protein. You can add nuts both in hot dishes and in home desserts. Also special attention deserves avocados, which have already managed to recognize the most useful fruit in the world. Despite the high calorieness, avocado is a dietary product. Use it as a replacement for finished products to spit on bread, and add almost any salads.

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