Alexander Peskov: "Versace style reigns in my apartment"


Chic, shine, beauty - probably, it is possible in the three words to characterize the dwelling of Alexander. Gold, dominant in the finish, velvet curtains, vintage candelabra, paintings in heavy frames ... In the apartment of Peskov, literally every corner shouts that some kind of royal person live here. "And as otherwise, I am a recognized king of parodies," the owner is modestly smiling.

Alexander Peskov: "In my apartment reigns the style of Versace, which means the permanent sense of the holiday and luxury at the same time. This manifests itself in everything: in the lion's paws - the legs of the table and the chest in the living room, in a characteristic ornament, adorning the windowsills, a worktop and walls almost all over the entire apartment, in the upholstery of furniture. Why there, I even have dishes - and that from Versace. "

How did you collect this wealth? I bought everything at once in one place or acquired for years and on the occasion?

Alexander: "I collected the details of the interior almost all over the world. Lastra and Kandelabra ordered masters in St. Petersburg, who know the fool in the palace decoration. The part of the furniture is made in Italy on my own sketches, part - in the Belarusian factory. Everything was made specifically for the desired dimensions. So, if the standard cabinet in the Italian factory is usually height two meters forty centimeters, then for me it was reduced to two ten. And what to do: the apartment is not quite standard, the area is not the biggest, so I had to be sick. To create a feeling of expanding space, we broke the walls, made a serious redevelopment and extended the second floor. "

And you why you?

Alexander: "You can consider it to my little caprication. The second floor was originally not, but he himself suggested. Indeed, in this Stalinist height, high ceilings. True, only one of the rooms was "twisted", and here's the result: at first it was twenty-seven square meters, and it turned out as many as fifty four. With the second floor it became very convenient. Upstairs Cabinet, a huge bed, friends can come, stay. No problems. Here they have where to take a shower, eat. "

Alexander Peskov:

"Iconostasis" in Boudoire is one of the favorite places in the apartment. Here are the photos of the most expensive people to me. Here and my student Elena Vaenga, and Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, and Sophia Rotaru, and my director of Sasha, and many more closest. " Photo: Miguel. Makeup and Pr.

On the second floor leads a wooden staircase framed by not ordinary railings, but a real wrought art ...

Alexander: "I decided that in a small room there should be a space. Wooden railing with balusters would have looked hard. And the miniature and openwork forging looks easy and air. In the arrangement of the apartment you need to consider everything. "

Calm and warm tones in the interior picked up a professional designer?

Alexander: "No, I myself. Beautiful, yes? Only my producer helped me, who has an architectural education. So his knowledge was useful. And I initially did not want to invite designers from the side. Who knows me better for me, my unspoken aspirations and requests? I wanted warmth, church in the apartment. Few people know that there is a church on the spot of this Stalinist altitude, three hundred years ago, there was a church. So the place is nasty. Therefore, I have my own "iconostasis" in my house. I made it as I could - here are collected photos of my closest people. Here and my student Elena Vaenga, and Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, and Sophia Rotaru, and my director of Sasha ... and the color scheme turned out both in the church, and the candlesticks too. But again in the style of Versace. Because the lamp and curtains are from this famous home. Surprisingly, it all fited into a single composition. People come to visit and no longer want to leave. You have to drive out. " (Laughs.)

Repair lasted for a long time?

Alexander: "Initially, I planned to finish everything for six months. But as a result, my personal "construction of the century" was delayed for a year. But I, in contrast to many other people who survived the repair, remember him with warmth. "

Is that? I also say that the construction team did everything exactly as you wanted - without alteration, quarrels and scandals ...

Alexander: "You will not believe, but it was all that was. I had masters from the former Yugoslavia. Beautiful guys who often gave me valuable tips. They were so imbued with the ideas that I wanted to realize in my apartment, which was treated very tremble. As a result, we were so sfed that I didn't even want to part. I promised a brigadier for the farewell: if I do next repairs, I will only invite them. And kept his promise! When I decided to equip my office (it is in the same height, but in another entrance), I immediately called my old familiar. And although there it was necessary to place the room in a completely different style (English strict, business), the guys coped again to excellent. "

On Olymp

In addition to the imperial pieces from Versace in the apartment Alexander Peskov, many objects in the style of an antique era. And his love for this historical period, the artist does not hide. Some things he brought himself from abroad. So, for example, the hardest bas-relief in the form of a naked ancient young man (an accurate copy, the original is stored in the Acropolis Museum in Athens) he brought from Greece. And he was delivered from there the five boxes of bricks made as if they had just collected on the ancient ruins. When repair, they were mounted in the walls of the apartment. As Alexander says, inhaling the energy of that era.

Forged railing, framing the staircase on the second floor, the work of art themselves. Photo: Miguel. Makeup and hairstyle: Elena Nefedova.

Forged railing, framing the staircase on the second floor, the work of art themselves. Photo: Miguel. Makeup and hairstyle: Elena Nefedova.

Alexander: "Apparently, once I was somehow an antique hero. By the way, there are certain evidence, albeit joking. Somehow abroad, I saw a walled apparatus for divination. Nearby was sitting by a woman who, after a small survey, pressed on the right buttons and gave out the result - whom the man was in the past life. I stopped near her, called my year of birth, chose a certain color from the proposed, answered some more questions, and she launched her car. And what happened? It turns out that in the first life I was a blacksmith under Yulia Cesar. In the second - a slut-off monk, and in the third - came to this world to pour their sins. Here is my acting fate and there is a way of redemption. "

Figures of the ancient warriors also brought from Greece?

Alexander: "No, this is a gift. My thesis, a wonderful actor and movie actor Alexander Peskov, knowing about my Greco-Roman predensions, presented these sculptures. As Sasha joked, this is exactly the way he sees me - warrior by nature and at the same time a beautiful person. (Laughs.) I have a lot of interesting things in my house that I presented. But it often happens that gifts I work creatively. So, one famous actress for his birthday presented me stunning lamp on the idea - as a violin. Only here, the lampshade was completely inappropriate. Here I turned on the brains at full capacity and came up with a simple, but very elegant way to turn this beauty to a real work of art. I took a black openwork female stocking, and - Voila! - The new creative lampshade was ready. "

Alexander Peskov:

"I love to sit on a wide windowsill on the second floor of an apartment. Nearby - two pictures of the artist Yuri Gorbachev from Odessa, which is now popular in America. His canvas are terribly expensive, but a couple of me I still presented me. " Photo: Miguel. Makeup and hairstyle

You have many paintings in the apartment. Seriously fond of painting?


"Yes, and the cost of cloths for me does not matter. Sometimes I can buy a canvas of an ordinary street artist. But I have the creation of famous masters. For example, on the second floor there are two pictures of the artist Yuri Gorbachev from Odessa, which is now incredibly popular in America. He has his own gallery in the United States, he sells his paintings with auctions, they are terribly expensive. Suffice it to say that his canvases are in private collections Andre Agassi, Robbie Williams, Bill Clinton. So, he gave me a couple of his works. And I wrote them especially for me. They have two horses, red and blue (so the artist saw me and my director), there is a house in the village - as it were, my homeland ... And next to such unique canvas of the eminent author, my portrait of the work of one fan is adjacent. The story of its creation is very unusual. It was many years ago, I was going on tour. And left the apartment turned out to be no one - all the assistants went somewhere. And it so happened that just the day before I met my fan, a charming guy named Seryozha. For some reason I immediately understood: you can rely on it. Therefore, although we were barely familiar, I asked him: "Seryozhe, you can stay for the time of my tour, passing out for the house so that there are no problems?" - "Is it possible?" - "Needless!" I was not a week. I come, and he gives me my portrait. It turned out that he wrote his pencil from my photo. But the most curious thing is that, giving this picture, he said "goodbye" and disappeared from my life. We have not seen anymore. "

Risky you man. Are you not afraid of such an adventure?

Alexander: "I saw a collection of stones? So, I will tell you a secret: each person has its stone in the sign of the zodiac. It serves as the housing itself, and everyone who lives in it. Since I am a Aquarius horoscope, I have carved from Amethyst. And I secretly hope that they reliably guard me from the attack! "

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