Sit down and do not touch: things that pregnant should avoid


Pregnancy - a period in which a woman is most vulnerable, which means that since the first trimester you should treat yourself and the health of the future baby as never carefully. Unfortunately, many women ignore the warnings of doctors or simply do not suspect that some activity to which they are accustomed to the usual time can have an extremely negative effect on the development of the kid. We have collected the main points for which the future mommy should pay attention.

No hot baths

Yes, sometimes it is so nice to spend the evening, dedicating his home spa in a private bath. However, at the time of the expectation of the baby, experts do not recommend experimenting and advise to postpone long-term bathing until the baby is already on the light. Hot water enhances blood circulation, the organs come to the tone, and this is very dangerous for a pregnant woman on an early term. The most unfavorable outcome of the bathing can be abundant bleeding and abortion. Be careful!

More rest

More rest


Do not sit on foot

It is not worth talking to what load the body is exposed during pregnancy. The most suffer the spine and vessels with veins. Women are very loved by the pose with crossed legs, probably, many recognize themselves, it would seem that this? The thing is that you have an additional pressure on the veins, overlapping them and not allowing blood to circulate freely. After a few weeks, swelling may appear, and cellulite, if it was before, becomes even more noticeable. In the last months of pregnancy, such a pose can lead to the correct development of the baby's head, as it is closer to the end of pregnancy, it begins to turn down the head down, control yourself and do not dispense the pelvis area.

Pick a special set of exercises

Waiting for the baby at all is not a reason to abandon the useful loads, on the contrary, your activity helps your body avoid all sorts of stories. However, it is pre-consult with your gynecologist, whether it is possible to resort to additional activity in your situation, except for walking. Pregnant woman contraindicated power exercises, as well as additional load on the spine. If you want to thoroughly take up your health while you are waiting for the baby, pick up a special fitness program for pregnant women, but be especially attracted when the instructor is selected.

No complicated affairs

Of course, today there are no problems with washing and cleaning, the benefits of adaptations for such activities abound. If you feel the task of having to wrap something with your hands, ask to help your relatives or your man, as washing manually - it's not a harmless lesson for a pregnant woman: you strain the spine, in addition, wash hands implies long-term contact with chemicals. Do not heroze!

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