Flowers for which you do not need to care


Suppose you have a piece of beautiful land outside the city, but at the same time you hate everything connected with agriculture, you can be called a typical "country lazy" and you will not be offended. However, even the most lazy gardener wants to see his plot drowned in colors and beautiful plants, and not the "bald" land. Especially for you, we have prepared our own top plants that will not require significant emotional energy consumption.

Lupine will delight you not one year

Lupine will delight you not one year



Let it be a weed, but what! First, he is beautiful, secondly, behind him, you can say no need to care. All you need to do is buy several bags and scatter on the site. And yet, before you need to break the earth a little, so that the plant is easily strengthened, perhaps, these are the only efforts that will be required of you.

Plant flowers are almost any color of the rainbow, however, if you want to keep all the variety of colors, it is necessary to at least a little, but care for the flower, namely - periodically gone.


As in the case of Lupine, everything you need is slightly breaking the earth to facilitate the conditions for seeds. After a few months, you will receive a wonderful orange flower garden that will delight you throughout the summer and almost all autumn.

Choose a terry view of the calendula. Of course, there is an ordinary calendula, but terryry is still prettier. The most important of her bonus - in the fall she will seize himself for you.


In addition to his pleasant appearance, the plant is also edible. It is quite possible to make a delicious porridge or add leaves to a salad if you follow the figure.

If you have friends-Spaniards, it is better not to invite them to the cottage in the period of active flowering of Amaranth, since in Spain, this plant is considered a devilish, because with its help occult things that were banned in the previous centuries in the territory of the current Spain.

In Spain, Amaranth is considered a devilish plant

In Spain, Amaranth is considered a devilish plant



Let the iris and does not impress the plant, followed by special care, much trouble you will definitely not deliver, especially if you endure garden work. Just buy a seedling with a long rhizome, put it so that one back remains on the surface of the earth, after which you can forget about the landing. After some time, the plant will fill most of the site, and the next year your only irises will not be so alone.

calendula not only beautiful, but also useful

calendula not only beautiful, but also useful



This beautiful flower though it looks noble, but "in the shower" still weed. The plant will be grateful to you if you at least occasionally swallow the earth around and feed it with fertilizers. But without this, the flower will not be sad.

Important moment: Lilia is a very spider plant. Highly! If you are not ready for constant fragrance on your site, it is better to choose something less obsessive - the same lupine, for example.

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