Igor Petrenko: "From the birth of a daughter, I began to pay more time to boys"


It so happened that this interview with Igor and Igor did twice, with a period of several months. For the first time he seemed a little tired me, somehow disappointed. Now it was in front of me a completely different person - full of strength, optimism, who found a new meaning in life. To be honest, it was nice to see him so and realize that the black band still will certainly change the bright. The main thing is to wait and not lose faith.

Igor, I see, hairstyle changed dramatically. As a result?

Igor Petrenko: "I had to trim the filming of Andrei Kravchuk called" Viking ". The action takes place during the Baptism of Rus. This is a story about people living in an era of change. Intrigue, betrayal and, of course, love is the main "persons" of this film. A character, whose life I happened to live, called Varyazhko. Obsessed with passions man. Unrequited love for Irina and blind hatred for the prince Vladimir makes the main villain of the picture. "

How close is this character?

Igor: "During work, the actor needs to be a lawyer of his role. I met different heroes. Looking at them, I understand that they sometimes are diametrically opposed to each other: everyone is written by different authors, are the fruit of imagination of absolutely different people, but in each of them I tried to find points of contact with myself. Let's say, Romantic Andriy and Cynic Pechorin I am much closer than Pragmatics Varyazhko, who does not have cynicism or romanticism. "

And what is a romantic for you?

Igor: "First of all, a romantic is a creative nature. In all matters, he is looking for inspiration. Inspiration is its engine. But it is often precisely it blinds it with illusions, building around sandy locks. And the cynic is the very romantic, whose locks destroyed the wave of life. In the thirty-eight years, I had enough reasons to turn into a healthy cynic. But I'm struggling. (Laughs.) There are no faith in the cynic, but in me there. "

Did you have any dreams in my childhood?

Igor: "I have not dreamed of anything important and interesting things about anything important and interesting. Nor about Zurbagan, nor about who I want to become. Probably because of the deficit, all my dreams have come down first to an ordinary toy, and when it became an older trip to the sea and a bike. And these dreams came true. And toys were (but immediately broke or crushed), and the very first trip to the sea was memorable. On the first day, heightening the salt water, I'm a slight with a temperature of forty. And the bike was beautiful - he got me from his sister, was brought from Germany, where he served as his father. But soon because of his gullibility, I lost it. A boy drove up to me with burning eyes on an unclear "Orlenka" and began to ask: "Give ride." And I gave. What I feel sorry, or something! Thus, I became the happy owner of the rusty "eagle". Naturally, dad and mom said: "What are you so gullible from Pinocchio?!" (Laughs.) But I, as I remember now, there was some strange feeling: I have not experienced any hate towards this boys, I was simply Some kind of sadness. "

And now you feel when some deception is happening?

Igor: "This feeling is largely preserved. If something happens, then I understand that these are unfortunate people, flawed. I imagine what happens to them in life. If a person is filled with some kind of offeure, angrily, hate, distrust to others, it means that there are very little light and good and good in his world, trust. Apparently, he is constantly cheating, so he behaves like that. Bad people do not happen. "

At all?!

Igor: "No, no, it all depends on the circumstances and upbringing. Remember the cartoon "Prostokvashino"? About the postman Pechekin said: "Maybe this is because he has no bike." (Laughs good-naturedly.) He was a presequitable man. And then suddenly ... one act, gesture, and a person has changed. "

Igor Petrenko with the former wife of Catherine Klimova.

Igor Petrenko with the former wife of Catherine Klimova.

Lilia Charlovskaya

And on the contrary, do you think it happens?

Igor: "Yes, and if I see that the poison begins to go from close people, it means that something happened. And in such a situation, they do not throw them, but to beat the alarm and try to help. "

Yes, you, my friend, an incorrigible optimist ...

Igor: "Optimist, yes! (Laughs.) But on me too, it happens, pessimism attacks. We must try not to succumb to it. Life is like piano: white and black keys. And only of them get music. I remember, I had a moral and physical devastation after very interesting, but hard work in Sherlock Holmes, then problems in the family began, conflict situations with some producers. There were even fines and removal from the role for a breakdown. And I can not say that I regret everything, because I have a reassessment of values ​​in parallel. You know how a snake is changing the skin, so I painfully threw it. Empathy occurred - such a kind of transitional age. It all started, probably after thirty, and a couple of years to thirty-five were turning out. And just recently I landed. "

To end?

Igor: "And to the end, probably, it is impossible. Do not need. Still, I am a Russian man. (Smiles.) But there is no such thing in the soul. And then it happened that I did not even answer the calls of my parents. I confess, they worried, nervous. I called my sister from Riga, asked: "What happened?" I tried to explain to her. That's, oddly enough ... (thinking) with my sister, I could talk. "

I know that the sister is a very close person to you, but I did not think that to such an extent ...

Igor: "Ira, my kopa is wonderful."

Why cop?

Igor: "I do not remember why, but when I was small, approached the neighbor to ask for sweets and said:" Tast Val! Give me, please, candies hello me and kokki traders! (Bearing sister). " Unfortunately, we are not so often seen, and I can not even say that you often call up, but there is an inseparable thread between us. And I know for sure that at any time of the day and night I can contact her with any question. She with joy and love will make everything in her power. And even more. It fell on her share of a terrible test, which only can occur in life, - the son of seven years old was killed. Then he was the only child. Then God gave her two beautiful girls, now they are already thirteen and four years. But, despite all the tests in life, Ira retains optimism and charges them the rest. Thanks to the parents, this is our family. "

And you in the upbringing of children optimism does not leave?

Igor: "For example, I complain that the eldest son, he nine years old, suddenly began to swear. And Catherine asks: "Robbing, be strict, order." I first, of course, there is a desire to give him on the pope, some punishment come up with. But then I understand that the child is not to blame, he absorbs everything, sees how adults behave. Moreover, there is this limitless access to the Internet. It is impossible to prohibit anything, because they explore this world. But you can direct their mind so that they correctly belonged to one or another things. They were brought to me for a serious conversation, I had no opportunity to get to them. And I warned everyone in advance - nanny, the driver who was visiting: "Strike as you can. Suggest, impact. They went white like fun. (Laughs.) And then I planted them on the contrary and how I began to show the rigor! Two hours spent a conversation with them, the younger sat next to his brother, also listened to the future. I need to raise men of them so that they correctly treated each other, they felt brother, sister, parents, and then how life would be for life. "

According to the actor, Sherlock Holmes is one of its best works. But after her, he felt morally and physically devastated. Frame from the film.

According to the actor, Sherlock Holmes is one of its best works. But after her, he felt morally and physically devastated. Frame from the film.

So are you strict dad?

Igor: "There is a whip, and a gingerbread. Matvey, of course, older, with him and demand more. So rooting has the opportunity to learn from the experience of brother. In general, in view of the circumstances, I do not like the sons so often with the sons to spend those rare hours of meetings on morals and reproaches. For those mistakes and leprosy that they do in my presence, I ask them, but I try to explain it to what exactly it flies. Does not reach the hands-writer. Thank God, understand from words. "

The whole Internet is shot by your daughter's birth. You can be congratulated? And did it change something in you?

Igor: "I always thought that the appearance of a son is the main event in the life of a man. But I did not assume that the birth of her daughter would affect my life. Nothing disrupted me in recent years. Whether the coincidence, whether the providence, salvation - I know exactly what it happened in a timely manner. And I thank you for God. I feel that I had strength, energy. Of course, it is completely different sensations, the other responsibility is already experienced and conscious. Together with her I change and grown up. Due to the fact that the daughter is near, now I feel my dad constantly, and even more time to give boys. It seems to me that I begin to understand the saying: when a son is born in a man, he becomes a father, and when his daughter is born - he becomes papule. " (Laughs.) The appearance of a small princess is the most powerful charge that my path defines today and makes it possible, maybe even climb to new heights of your understanding of life. "

Previously, you described yourself as a bore and breaking ...

Igor: "Yes! (Laughs.) Although I try not to really believe in horoscopes, I am an Orthodox person, but I have a birthday on August 23, and this is a transitional sign: on some calendars it is still a lion, and on others already Virgo. And this border, I feel this border. The bore is the so-called scrupulousness, meticulousness, perfectionism. And sometimes another side opens - this is a "champagne with a saber": everyone treats everyone, warm, help, all crown, go somewhere, not looking around. "

Wide Russian Nature ...

Igor: "That's it, probably." (Laughs.)

Does your temperament in the heat of the quarrel manifest?

Igor: "Yes! There were also disputes and scandals, switched to an increased tone, even on the set. Once I took a person from the administration for the shake and pressed against the wall. I have an increased sense of justice. But at the same time I am a very patient and diplomatic person. I can put up with something for a long time, avoid conflicts, "land" them. But if something blatant happens and I understand that my kindness is taken for weakness, it means that you need to give a person to understand that he is not right. "

Igor Petrenko:

The picture "Driver for Faith" made Petrenko famous. Frame from the film.

Your close friends are the actors Alexander Golubev and Volodya Widovichenkov. Would you see - sit, chat?

Igor: "We are not so often we meet by virtue of employment. When some of the friends find himself in Moscow and falls free time, we definitely find the opportunity to communicate. I was lucky that I have a lot of real friends tested. They cut me in trouble and share joy with me. Here, for example, this year I was not going to celebrate my birthday. And so the circumstances have developed that they went to Gelendzhik for these days. Of course, I assumed that there would be phone calls, but I didn't expect that friends from Moscow unexpectedly granted to congratulate me personally. It was a pleasant surprise. "

I read that you somehow left the sounds for each other, Volodya Vdovichenkov ...

Igor: "It was still at the Institute. Well, what is voice in this case? And shooting canceled if a friend got into trouble. If he does not start the car - this is one story, and if he needs help, fraternal, friendly shoulder, then I will inside out. I just came across situations when shooting was canceled due to nonsense. And nothing terrible happened, took the other day. I had a case - the second son was just born. Flew to shoot in the state of euphoria. I took with my two boxes of champagne: just with a silence, a group is big, about a hundred people. The first is a little break, I think: "Now you need to pour all champagne and drink, and then, in a good mood, hurt to work and play not thirty minutes today, and forty-nine minutes of useful time." (Laughs.) And only we raised the glasses, as the executive producer ran out with insane eyes: "Stand all. And well-ka put glasses. What happens here?! "He did not even give anything to answer, began to yell a godlessly:" Continue work! "(Smiling.) And almost all one hundred people put wine glasses and went to the pavilion with an apoloible look. True, somewhat normal people, despite anything, they said "Congratulations!" And quickly fucked. I stayed. I stand and feel that this energy ball that overwhelmed me, now it will just burst and do not understand what I should do now? And in front of me - a lot of filled cups. And I missed me completely. I turned my head, on the contrary there was a car service, and I see: two locksmith-mechanics are sitting and breed some gear. I scream them: "Guys! Do not want to drink? "They:" And what, there is a reason? "I say:" Son was born. " - "Without conversations!" To be honest, I had a couple of bottles of vodka to cut them after filming. (Laughs.) I went to them in the car service, noted this case and somehow it became energetically landed. Even the two of these people managed to discharge my lumps of nerves. But I already shouted: "Igor, costume, Igor, faster. Just waiting for you! "And I said:" Sorry. I will not work with you. I do not want". And he went from there. Of course, I immediately began to threaten with fines: "How can you! Crime! "What I only approved in reluctance to work with these people. Here I called the General Producer Timur Vanttein and asked: "Igor, what happened? What did you get there? "I replied:" Timur, I don't understand what I did such a bad and who would prevent these twenty grams. " He said: "I understood." Canceled shift. I did not take any penalty. As a result, truth truth, and we still celebrated the birth of my son with a group. I am very grateful to Timur, that he treated humanly, although he was losses due to a breakdown of half of the shiftIt seems to me that Russia differs from the West in that we still have a human factor plays a huge role. For us, the most important thing is that everything is mentally. Then we are ready to collapse any mountains! "

You said that I got great pleasure from the process, from the opportunity to create, removing in Sherlock and recently in the "unfortunate", which is rare in the cinema. What is your now?

Igor: "On the last paintings I am lucky. Now I am filming Sergey Gazarov in the "lonely dad", which is there and as a director. I get great pleasure from working with this, as I think, an outstanding, fantastic person. He has a stunning sense of humor. And as an actor I am very interested with him, because he is one of the best actors of modernity and how the director is engaged in jewelry work with artists. So I suddenly began to return the joy of the working day. Just graduated from "Viking". So violent, so solid, uncompromising characters, animal, even I have not played. Almost all scenes have happened on a very emotional upper step. I called this role "role-stroke". (Laughs.)

How did you feel, leaving the set?

Igor: "The role was so honored, I was so splashing everything during work, so tired that I just crawled to bed, fell and fell without the rear legs. It happens that such that just on the gap of aorta. "

We talked about the crisis in which you were several years old. And you can easily think about what will happen in ten or twenty?

Igor: "For me, this problem does not exist at all. There are periods when you think: "How is all tired! I do not want anything! How I'm tired! There is nothing interesting in life. And I already have a lot later. For Mars, I will not have a web, but here everything is already clear and does not cause any emotions. " But I understand that these are some depressive moods associated with your condition, with drizzling sadness in the shower, and it is temporary. And there are moments when you are filled with optimism - and the more interesting to you. And you are overwhelmed with joy. "

Marina Zeltser

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