7 bad habits that spoil the skin


Habit # 1.

The habit of using alcohol lotions was inherited from moms and grandmothers. In the USSR, they simply did not produce other tonic, but in the yard of the XXI century, it was time to abandon this remnant of the past. The content of alcohol is allowed only in fatty skin care products. And then, it should be no more than 5%. In all other cases, such means degreases the face completely and dried the skin.

Do not wipe the skin with the means containing alcohol

Do not wipe the skin with the means containing alcohol


Habit # 2.

Cream in banks is bad because it quickly flies due to bacteria from entering it, for example, from the fingers. Buy funds in hermetic packaging with dispenser. It is much hygiene, in addition, the service life of the cream, and the preservation of useful substances in it will be longer.

Forget about the cream in banks

Forget about the cream in banks


Habit # 3.

Werewing with soap, you disrupt the acidic and alkaline balance of the skin. After this procedure, the person becomes pulled and dry. However, after a while, the fat appears much more than before washing - this is a natural reaction. Therefore, choose more sparing tools for cleansing: foam, fluid, milk or tonic.

After washing, there should be no dry skin

After washing, there should be no dry skin


Habit # 4.

Use scrub. Particles of this cosmetic agent are strongly damaged dry and sensitive skin. It does not fit for fatty and combined skin, as it clogs the pores. And with irritation and pimples, use the scrub is generally contraindicated. For additional cleansing, use masks.

Instead of scrub, use cleansing masks

Instead of scrub, use cleansing masks


Habit # 5.

If you wipe your face with a towel, stop doing it immediately. For this there are several reasons: rubbing the skin, you are injured; Wet fabric - the ideal medium for breeding bacteria; A towel can cause inflammation on the skin. Use only clean, soft fabric, neatly flushing water. And it is better to immediately apply cream to a wet face - the Korean cosmetologists advise so.

Change towels more often

Change towels more often


Habit # 6.

The use of a large number of different cosmetics. Many - does not mean well. To each tool, the skin should be used to, and it takes a certain time. If you are constantly changing means for washing and creams, the face will look dull and sluggish, and may also inflame.

Give skin to get used to care

Give skin to get used to care


Habit # 7.

Leave decorative cosmetics on the face for a long time. Makeup must be removed as soon as you returned home, and two or three days a week, a person should relax from him at all. Do not buy coarse tones that are clogged. On the tube there should be an inscription "non-encoded" - this means that the remedy does not block the sebaceous glands.

Makeup do not leave for the night

Makeup do not leave for the night


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