5 tips how to choose a blanket


Probably, one should not once again remind of the need for a full rest for the body. But if you are cold at night or, on the contrary, you will sweat, you will not sleep normally. Tell me how to choose a blanket. The main thing is to pay attention to - the composition of the product.

Composition №1

If you are constantly freezing, you will fit down the down blankets. They preserve heat perfectly, while the loose filler perfectly passes the air, protecting the sleeper from overheating. Manufacturers label their digit "5" denoting the warmest.

Frown? Choose down!

Frown? Choose down!


However, these blankets have its own minuses. The first is the price, they are the most expensive. To reduce the product, manufacturers add a pen into it, which can break through the fabric and bother. Second - they are contraindicated allergic. Third - they quickly start the dust tick.

Composition number 2.

Woolen blankets are popular because they are cheaper downs, while quite warm enough for winter. Sheep wool is approximately 2 times harder camel, but it is less. Plus of these products in the fact that they maintain the temperature of the human body, so it will not be hot or cold under it. In addition, wool perfectly absorbs moisture, which a person loses in a dream, and also quickly she evaporates her.

The warmth of the woolen blanket depends on the thickness and density of the tissue

The warmth of the woolen blanket depends on the thickness and density of the tissue


The minus is that these blankets once every three months must be handed over to dry cleaning. They are also contraindicated allergic. Please note that the product is "packed" into a dense tissue, otherwise it will be born.

Composition number 3.

With a filler from wool blankets, very warm and very heavy. Their substantial minus is absorbing odors. It is important to pay attention to the sewing method, it is desirable that the surface is "broken" into separate squares of 10-15 cm in size. This eliminates the possibility that the filler will be shot down on one side or in the corner.

Blanket on cotton: hard and hot

Blanket on cotton: hard and hot


Composition number 4.

It is not necessary to immediately refuse options with synthetic filling, considering them knowingly bad. They are lightweight, warm, besides cheap. These products are well suited to people suffering from allergies. In addition, they are easy to care - easily erased, dry quickly.

Synthetic is easy to care

Synthetic is easy to care


There are also its disadvantages: they do not absorb moisture and serve for a short time, a maximum of three years.

Composition number 5.

Baika blankets are known to all from early childhood, because they are suitable even for newborn babies. Products from the bike are suitable for any season, it all depends on its density. They are hypoallergenic, lungs and eco-friendly. In addition, these blankets are not expensive, but to care for them just - enough to wash in the typewriter.

Bailed blanket comes even babies

Bailed blanket comes even babies


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