Respect and understand: What is the differences in the courtship of foreigners


Today, when the boundaries are practically erased, in any case, there are no problems with interpersonal communication, and therefore novels with foreign men no longer seem to be awesome as it was some ten years ago. However, the strong half of different countries can radically differ in its approach to women, we decided to talk about the cultures with which Russian girls are most often faced.


It seems that the harsh and practical Germans attract us that they are so similar to our Russian men, but only in trifles. In general, the German approach to romantic relationships is similar to the rest of Europeans who are experiencing feminist sentiment - the German will not see anything surprising in the fact that you come to get acquainted with the first. In addition, in a conversation with the woman you like, the German will never talk about anything - it is important to him the content and interest in the eyes of the companion. Be sure that with this person you will not have to miss and discuss the weather forecast for the next couple of days or the latest news reports. The main thing is to avoid communicating with any foreigner, - frank criticism of the political system of your countries, religion and sexual preferences. The conversation can do a pretty hard conflict.

And who would you want to go on a date?

And who would you want to go on a date?



The sophisticated women who do not recognize restrictions and are constantly in finding new impressions, very often prefer east men, romantic relations with which they grow from innocent communication on mysterious eastern culture. It is important to understand that Japanese men are closed and do not like the bright manifestation of emotions, and therefore too loud clarification of relationships will only lead to a rupture, consider this moment if you decide to roll the scandal to your proud man. In the same relationship, it is not worth waiting for some "American hills" - if you are a temperamental girl in your nature, perhaps an oriental man will love you very quickly, but remember that it all depends on a person.


With a huge probability, complete emotions and passions are waiting for you - Spaniards do not know how to differently. But at the very beginning of relations, the Spanish man will show all his best qualities, all so that you feel like a princess, probably, according to the degree of romance, the Spaniards are inferior only to the Italians. What is the most pleasant, a man will respect your borders, and therefore will surely ask your nickname in social networks to learn your interests without your actual presence. What you should not start a conversation with the Spaniard, so it's about politics, especially if you do not understand this topic.

French people

If you need more independence, the French cavalier is the perfect option. French men respect personal space, which influenced, as we said, feminist movement. However, this does not interfere with the young Frenchmans to release frankly vulgar comments, but men always translate the conversation in a joke, and therefore you will just do not have time to take offense. Even if you can't build a long romantic relationship, a French man can become an excellent friend for you, which will always raise the mood, as well as easy to rise if you decide to visit it on vacation.

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