Errors that you do not make with the second child


The first child is always a test for young parents: it is not clear how to care for, and the feeling of uncertainty does not leave, even if relatives help you. With the second child, it is much easier (provided that the difference between children is at least a year). The young mother has already passed the "fire and water", and therefore concerns about the new family member, already the second, not so pressing psychologically.

We decided to assemble the main mistakes of the young mothers who they do with the first child, and certainly not repeat with the second. Let's start.

Already during pregnancy, a woman begins

Already during pregnancy, a woman begins to "nit nest"


If and buying things, then only new

As a rule, a woman even during pregnancy begins to actively "vite the nest": it seats the children, buying children's things, and be sure new. It turns out that by the time of birth, the child already has five to six sets of things from the best children's store - well, however, do not take the secondary at the mums!

In most cases, the gusts buy only the best and new for the child are characteristic of his mother with the firstborn. During the second pregnancy, the woman begins to clearly realize that much of her acquired earlier it was simply not useful, and part of things can be taken from the girlfriend with the baby.

All children are different

All children are different


Permanent condemnation of other parents

The same people simply do not exist, nevertheless, the mothers are "recruits" with contempt relate to other parents who complain about the lack of time due to a hyperactive child. Inexperienced parents immediately award such a mommy by the title of "the worst parental of the year", therefore, the child is not unprecedented. However, as soon as you appear the second child, which will not be so calm, like your firstborn, you realize that they were extremely wrong.

I would never ...

Maximalism is inherent not only to teenagers, but also young parents with the only baby. Remember how you were a parent for the first time, for sure your relatives constantly heard such phrases from you: I would never give a child so much sweets, never forbade watching TV, I would never swear and everything in such a spirit. Familiar? We are confident that yes.

never blame other parents, because you do not know the peculiarities of their life

never blame other parents, because you do not know the peculiarities of their life


Consider your child exceptional

According to an inexperience, Mom seems to be that if her baby went for a few weeks before Vasi in the yard, everything speaks about the features of her child. But you do not need to run to the site to other mothers and try to become a center of attention, attracting attention to an event important for you. Remember that as soon as you have more than one child, you will understand that each of them has its own way of development, and your second or third baby can go later in the courtyard, but it will not talk about some deviations - after all Children are different.

Live without parting with Google

Modern technologies greatly facilitate the lives of young mammies: now it is no longer necessary to run into the pharmacy to learn about the presence of the medicine - can google. The same applies to things you just order them on the house. However, many parents are literally growing with the search engine, it seems to them that this is the place where they will find answers to all their questions. However, soon you will realize that the Internet is not the best place to find serious answers to questions, especially when it comes to the health of the baby.

In any case, no one is born by an ideal parent: our moms and dads also started with something, and you also gain experience, so it will be much easier for you to cope with each subsequent child.

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