Breakfast all head: how to go with flakes on healthy foods


According to the statistical company NPD, 31 million Americans regularly do not breakfast. There are no such statistics in Russia, and these data clearly will have others - still the tradition of full nutritional food from several dishes affects habits. Nevertheless, more and more young people refuse to eat food in the morning: some work in the morning and just do not have time, others feel bad after awakening, others are fast carbohydrates. In all cases, such behavior is incorrect, and that's why ...

Does it make sense to breakfast tightly

Calling people to breakfast, usually lead two reasonable arguments. The first is control over the calorieness of the diet. If you eat once a day, then with a high probability of meals to consume more calories than could at 4-5 receptions. The second argument is a feeling of gravity in the stomach that will certainly overtake you when moving, you will skip one meal. At the same time, we do not recommend that tightly breakfast: eat your normal portion, not trying to nourish about the reserve. It is best to combine products from different groups, for example, complex carbohydrates and fiber or protein and fiber. So you will hurt, but do not move.

Try to have breakfast with the whole family.

Try to have breakfast with the whole family.


How to get used to breakfast

Most often, people do not want to eat because in the morning they have low activity - the body simply does not need energy, if you brush your teeth, dress and go to work in a comfortable car. Another thing, if in the morning you did a charging, and then on foot went up to work. We advise you to take this note to note if you want to retire yourself.

Also effectively start the day from a glass of water with lemon. The juice of citrus in the liquid is noted not by chance - it annoys the stomach, forcing it to produce his juice, after which the "time there is!" The signal arrives in the brain. In addition, you can eat a piece of black bread - it is advised pregnant from nausea in the morning, can help.

Sit down at the table with the family. When the breakfast becomes an event, the mood and the desire to cook immediately. Yes, and the children will rather have a habit in place, feeling the taste, and not swallowing snacks on the run.

Cook a variety of dishes

Cook a variety of dishes


What to eat for breakfast

An excellent option is any egg meals with the addition of vegetables and dairy products. For example, you can cook an omelet with tomatoes, or make a pashot over a toast with avocado. Do not forget to add products with useful fats for breakfast - fish, butter, nuts, seeds, and so on. It is also worth diversifying meals protein - chicken breast, marine fish fillet, shrimps are perfect for this. Do not be afraid to drink water, tea, coffee and anything: yes, the gastric juice does not become liquid from the beverages and food is digested as usual, contrary to the common myth

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