Ksenia Sobchak told about lovers and plastic operations


Journalist Ksenia Sobchak to all sorts of rumors belongs to humor and even burns out the yellow press, publishing provocative photos or statements. But, apparently, even Ksenia brought out the same stories with plastic operations, famous lovers and connections in the Kremlin from equilibrium. In his microblog, Sobchak wrote a very sincere post, which can be called a kind of confession. True, this time the blonde spoke not about his sins: "Why is any gossip this is Merzko? Because a person becomes absolutely defenseless. We are always gossiped behind your back, thinking about you amazing stories, attributing words that they spoke and the actions that did not commit. And the only thing you can oppose all this shit-silence and the lack of signs of indignation ... After all, if you react, then it seems "smoke without fire is not there" and what to do? Tolerate "- with bitterness wrote the editor. Also, she tried to list all his "sins" and their witnesses: "There are thousands of men in the city, who allegedly slept with me and even lived, several people who saw me begged to forgive me for all sins, there is a woman who is supposedly "For" I wrote me a letter to Mikhalkov, and 6-7 doctors who made me plastic surgery on her nose, jaw, eyes and, apparently, head. And well, naturally, just a huge number of people about whom I supposedly said something, and who are already not like me in absentia. And with all this we need to live. People constantly come up with something. They are people. They want to assign other people's successes, debunk myths and assert their account. As someone said, "The bad news is that all people lie, the good thing is that everyone is so passionate about that no one notices that" (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx.).

Subscribers tried to support Ksenia. "This is all envy! From not a grip of the mind, lack of opportunity to realize yourself and not the ability to rejoice in other people's successes, - began to assume fans. - All these gossip, conversations, peresya in your Ksenia address say that you are interested in society. So you took place as a person, not just a daughter of your father, and Ksenia Sobchak - the girl herself created a name, his own image - built her life as it was possible to units. To be famous, of course it is not easy ... Everything will be fine! "

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