Why men compare wives with moms


No one loves when his skills and appearance compare with strangers. For this reason, conflicts often happen in families: men decide that their wife should be not only worse, but even better mom. Explains why our partners do so.

Desire to pay attention to yourself

Mom is the first person with whom we get acquainted, born. Most women are trying to pay for children to the maximum of free time, often forgetting about themselves. In particular, moms who raising children alone are prone to self-sacrifice. Getting used to that mom provides everything - from food and prior to pocket expenses - a man is inclined to expect such behavior from the second half. Well, if comparison he is trying to draw your attention and sincerely wants to give advice how to create comfortable conditions for it. However, often in comparisons lies infantilism, which becomes an interference in building long-term relationships.

Mom stays for a man for a man

Mom stays for a man for a man

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Childhood memories

Psychology is designed so that the image of a particular person is associated with 3-4 qualities. So the brain is easier to identify the objects approaching the unsafe distance and give a signal of danger. Mom in the prevailing majority is associated with love, care, tenderness and hardworking. In reality, each person has not only positive, but also negative qualities. Men rarely communicate with Mama in souls, as a result of which in their memory over the years, the perfect image of the mother is supported. Often it becomes a problem when a new person is included in the family, soberly perceiving the characters of its members - from here begins conflicts.

Moral pressure

Not all parents raise a child as a person with equal rights and opportunities. If the family reigned the matriarchate and Mom managed all the affairs - from shopping before making money, then the child gets used to consider it authority. In comparison with the status of Mom, its position ceases to be weighty. When such a person becomes adult and begins relations with the opposite sex, his thoughts are directed not only for romance, but also to assess the conformity of his mother's beloved.

Admiration Mother

In the opposite case, the comparison with the mother is explained by its objective superiority over you. For example, Mom managed to build a career, educate children, play sports and preparing excellently. At the same time, you keep a consumer lifestyle and do not seek to develop. In this situation, we have two councils - try to take the best features of mother-in-law or explain to her husband that you are a separate person and are not obliged to resemble others.

Do not swear, and take an example with my mother-in-law

Do not swear, and take an example with my mother-in-law

Photo: Pixabay.com.

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