Salt - unique beauty component


Each time, coming to the sea, we begin to look better without any additional effort and better feel. The skin becomes smoother and elastic, the lungs are well breathing, the body is filled with energy, and the mood rises by itself. Such a lively effect occurs due to the combination of sea air, sea swimming and sun. However, from any resort you have to go back to the soul and dusty city. So why not capture the pair of the sea with you?

Of course, you will not know the sea water within the city of the city, but its concentrate is a sea salt - no problem!

Sea salt has exceptionally useful properties. By 96% it consists of sodium chloride. In the human body, each cell contains sodium chloride, and the ratio of salts and minerals in the blood plasma is close to the composition of seawater (a kind of reminder that the sea is native elements for us, and the seaside salt is the main component of the sea water). It is she who gives the sea all those healing properties that we are heard about. Among her invaluable components:

- sodium and potassium, providing food and cleansing cells;

- calcium, which is beneficial on the skin and bone, on the blood coagulation function and healing of the wounds;

- magnesium and bromine, bringing and relaxing the organism, as well as relaxation of spasmned muscles;

- Manganese, responsible for strengthening bone tissue and high immunity;

- iron, improving tissue and oxygen exchange, as well as erythrocyte formation;

- silicon, firming the skin, increasing the elasticity and strength of vessels;

- zinc responsible for the condition of immunity, stimulating the work of the genital glands;

- copper, which is an integral part of the collagen protein, which improves the condition of the connective tissue, epithelium;

- iodine, regulating hormonal processes and the work of the thyroid gland (people with insufficient function of the thyroid gland become sluggish, they have a performance, they suffer from excess weight. Sea salt with iodine helps to return the previous vigor, increase adaptation to daily stress and change);

- Selenium, which has excellent antioxidant and antitumor properties, is also part of the sea salt (with a lack of selenium, the tendency to colds and allergic reactions increases, selenium has an important cosmetic property - protects our cells from premature aging).

The composition of the salt may be somewhat varied depending on which site and in what kind of sea it is mined. But perhaps the most unique properties can boast the salt of the Dead Sea. If the usual sea salt contains about 4% of minerals and microelements, then in the salt of the Dead Sea, this figure can reach up to 30-40%. With competent use, it has a miraculous cosmetic and therapeutic effect.

In cosmetic agents, the salt most often serves as a pair with other components - water, sea extracts, algae, natural oils, moisturizing bases in the form of creams, lotions, and even a pair with sugar.

It's time to plunge

Sometimes all our efforts to maintain beauty and well-being are in vain, and all because the body is elementary lack of minerals and vitamins, thanks to which all basic processes occur - from cell recovery to maintaining metabolism. "With the help of salt baths, we can briefly be brought to the usual life of the healthy principles of thalassotherapy and compensate for the lack of important micro and macroelements," says Olga Shcherbak, leading Sothys Specialist in Russia, the winner of the Russian Cosmetology Championship. - You will not need a lot of effort to, returning to the evening from work, score a warm water bath and dissolve a healing substance in the form of a sea salt in it. Meanwhile, this simple ritual will give a lot of pleasure and will have an invaluable benefit of both the body as a whole and your skin.

Salt baths have a beneficial effect on the central and vegetative nervous system. Bromine contained in the sea salt has a soothing and relaxing effect. In saline water contains biogenic stimulants, activating and tonic all glands of internal secretion. Penetrating into the body through the skin, salt ions improve the work of the brain, purify blood and cells from toxins, protect the body from anemia.

The balneological effect of the sea salt is manifested in the mechanical irritation of the nerve endings of the skin, as a result of which the blood begins to circulate (especially on the periphery) faster (especially on the periphery), the metabolic processes and removal of toxins are accelerated. After such a bath on the skin remains an invisible salt raid, consisting of small crystalline salts and minerals, so the body continues to focus with the useful elements after a long time after the procedure.

The skin becomes gentle and velvety, the swelling is derived and toxins are output, microcirculation is improved. "

To prepare a medical and cosmetic bath, you need to dissolve in warm water (37 ° C) about 0.2-0.5 kg of salt (if you take the salt of the Dead Sea, you should strictly follow the recommendations on the package, as it is more concentrated). Immersed in the water, try to tune in to pleasant sensations and drive away the alarming thoughts. You can remove the bright top light and light the candles, and then relax and get out of the blessed Nege.

An unforgettable feeling of harmony with the whole world will give a natural salt for Baths "Utah" from JanSsen Cosmetics. It is a composition of sea salt and algae of laminaria, has a powerful therapeutic effect, actively affects the body, filling the skin with minerals, microelements, vitamins, proteins and phytohormones.

If you take a full-fledged bath for some reason, you can not, you can arrange separate baths for hand and feet. To do this, dissolve in a container with warm water from 20 to 100 g of salt (depending on the volume of the liquid) and lower the brushes of the hands or feet for 10-15 minutes into it. Salt baths are perfectly softened and nourished the skin, increase its elasticity, eliminate many dermatological problems, have a beneficial effect on the joints, reinforce the nails, have an antiseptic effect. After the procedure, do not wash your hands immediately in running water, but blot and apply a nutritious or moisturizing cream.

Salt in cosmetics

Sea salt is a good tool to update the skin and increase the skin tone. Included in scrubics, wraps and other cosmetics, it fully compensates for the deficiency of the necessary organisms of mineral substances. In different concentrations and combinations, the salt is suitable for all skin types: removes the inflammation of the fat, supports the PH-balance normal, restores the protective barrier of dry skin.

"Most often, the sea salt is part of the scrubs and peels, effectively grinding the flawed and peeling parts of the body, returning the skin smoothness and comfort, chargeing it with energy," says Ekaterina Bausov, the Janssen Cosmetics brand coach. - It is very good to use salt scrubs before going to the sea or campaign to the solarium, then the tan will fall perfectly evenly and will stay long. In addition, they act as one of the stages of anti-cellulite care, as they have anti-eash

and reinforcing skin action.

Under the conditions of salon, the scrub is applied by fairly intense massaging movements, providing an active lymphodenage, blood flow and nutrients to the skin.

Wonderful body skin preparation for further salon procedures is the Marine Salt scrub (Body Rub Additive Marine Salt from Janssen Cosmetics). Sea salt, enriched with macadamia oil, optimally exhaust epidermis, stimulates metabolism, mineralized, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. "

Who said that sugar is not combined with salt? "Professional scrub with reed sugar and sea salt from Sothys successfully refutes this statement," continues the story of Olga Shcherbak. - The smallest granules exfoliate the skin, give her tenderness and softness, contribute to the withdrawal of toxins. To make the procedure more pleasant, the scrub add to the choice of fragrant essence with lemon and a putigreine, orange and cedar or vanilla and sandalle. In the salon care, the rigid salt peeling can always be softened, mixing with natural oils or moisturizing cream. The formula "oil + salt" is more suited to the owners of the coil, thick, oily and age skin, and the "cream + salt" option will be irreplaceable with a thin, sensitive, prone to cooperose skin. The only one should not use salt as an exfoliant in the presence of damage to the skin and a number of dermatological diseases.

Most women know no obstacle that such an orange crust is, and make a lot of effort to get rid of it. Anti-cellulite wraps with sea salt will help. For example, a multifunctional peeling wrapping Slimming Peeling Wrap from Sothys with a unique effect, texture and aroma. Among its components is chopped sea salt, mineral zeolite, lactic acid and bitter orange extract. The enriched wrapping texture creates a pleasant heat when applied to the skin, it provides simultaneously mechanical and chemical exfoliation, saturates skin with useful trace elements and antioxidants, has a lipolytic and drainage effect. "

Sat the skin of the Minerals of the Dead Sea, remove toxins and return the tone will help self-telesing wrap of Thermo Body Pack Algae from Janssen Cosmetics. This is a wonderful procedure for regeneration, detoxification, enhancing metabolic processes.

and weight loss. A special composition based on seaweed, sea salt, the salts of the Dead Sea, magnesium oxide and citric acid when mixed with water heats up, creating many bubbles. The process of heat isolation makes wrapping very comfortable and relaxing. Due to the heating, the active ingredients penetrate deeper into the skin, returning the tone and elasticity.

One of the most problematic and difficult zones for the correction is breasts and neckline, where the skin is very thin and sensitive. For delicate, but intensive care, concentrates with sea water and salt are used here. Among such biopreparations - ISOBIOS ampoules ampoules from La Biosthetique, which are used in the form of hot compress. They regulate the level of humidifier of the skin, make it softer, elastic and smooth, at the same time increasing protective functions. As a result, even strongly dehydrated skin is restored in a record short time, inflammation and acne are removed, the skin becomes clean, fresh, shining.

Liquid concentrates with sea salt reinforce the effect of the use of many cosmetics. For example, an activator with Ocean Mineral Activator from Janssen Cosmetics is recommended to be used with collagen and chitosan biomatrians, matrigels and powder alginate masks. During the procedure, the mask is activated not by conventional water,

A moisturizing solution with sea salt and oligolements. It is very good to use such masks to impart the tone of the chest and return the elasticity of the skin in the neckline.

Snow salt from the island of Miyakdraja

A separate story is worthy of Salt Yukisio from Naniwa with a beautiful island. Once the seabed rose to the surface, forming a land plot. The island's land is a dense coral limestone layer with a porous surface, like a sponge (sponge). Thanks to such a structure of the layer and the fact that there are no mountains on the island and, respectively, stock waters, groundwater, leaking through such a "sponge" structure, carry the richest composition of micro-

and macroelements. Nature itself created a unique land, and the resulting snowy salt Yukisio, which the inhabitants of the island call the "salt of life" repeatedly gained many awards and gold medals as the best global product. Salt goes through a well, which is located at a depth of 20 meters, it is saturated with unique useful minerals and microelements, which are almost completely absorbed by our organism.

"Main minerals and macroelements that are part of the Yukisio salt: sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, chrome, copper, calcium, iron, - says Natalia Kolmakova, head of the project to create cosmetics Naniwa. - By the way, the snow salt Yukisio in 2000 fell into the Guinness Book of Records on the content of trace elements. The use of Salt Yukisio is extremely varied.

It can be used as a means for makeup or makeup, especially with heat in the summer (1 tablespoon per liter of water). Similar ratio take for shampoo. Dilute the shampoo in this water and wash your head, thoroughly rinse. Microelements contained in salts help prevent the formation of dandruff and itching, and also contribute to the strengthening of hair roots. Snow Salt from Naniwa + "Haluron-Collagen Soap" perfectly removes pigment spots. By the way, you can add salt Yukisio to the toothpaste and brush your teeth, pre-dissolving the grains: it prevents stomatitis and blends the teeth perfectly. "

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