Furious without reason: why people annoy


You can be at least the most positive person in your environment, but this does not mean that everything pleases you around the clock. Surely you know the condition when you communicate with a person and catch yourself think that this very person infuriates you, and why - it is not clear. It would seem that stop communicating and all, but according to psychologists, the reason often lies not in your hated opponent, but in you, therefore, the probability that you will be very high very high, but you will not be able to break all contacts. In this case, it is worth to understand yourself and find out the exact causes of irritation towards other people.

Why is this happening?

It seems that the person is good, everyone loves him and communicate well with him, and you just can't tolerate it. Let's try to figure out what's wrong.

People are not obliged to fit your idea about them.

People are not obliged to fit your idea about them.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

We unconsciously envy

Yes, this feeling can be born in you without your desire. How would you not convince yourself in the opposite, the worm of envy already settled in your soul, let you not want to admit it.

However, even such a negative feeling can be wrapped in its favor, for example, it can help you take a look from the side of yourself: what distinguishes you from a person you envy, and why can't you achieve the same results? Believe me, for many people, the answers to these questions became the starting point for positive changes in their lives. The main thing is that the envy does not overwhelm in the lifestyle - here you can not find positive parties.

should not mindlessly break contacts

should not mindlessly break contacts

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

We see yourself in man

How often we meet people, seemingly positive, without any skipping. However, the more we communicate with such a person, the more he begins to inflate, although it does nothing special for this. What is the matter? It happens that we meet a person who reminds us of themselves, that is, he has qualities that are exactly your repetition, and this refers to the traits of the character that we themselves would like to eradicate. We are ready to put up with our "features" and even live with them for a long time, but do not tolerate anything like that in another person, because he reminds us of what we would be happy to get rid of, but due to certain circumstances, for some reason Do not.

Respect friends

Respect friends

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Man refuses to obey

You normally communicate, but suddenly begin to understand what you want to all less often to hear the voice of this person, spend less time with him, although there have been no serious quarrels. In this case, you interfere with the overestimated expectations that this person did not meet, and he should not have been - no one is obliged to you, so to demand something from others - a direct path to quarrels and partings. Believe it easier to other people, do not expect anything in return and the feeling of irritation will be in itself.

You yourself attract such people

"Tell me who is your friend, and I will say who you are" - this expression heard each. In addition, people relate to us as we allow them to and as we treat them yourself, so you should not be surprised if you shout on a friend, and he is offended by you. Start with yourself and change the atmosphere surrounding you.

How to proceed?

When you found out the cause of your irritation, it can be considered half a success. Try to remember from what point you started hating this person and what caused your irritation, after which you can take action: either break the relationship with a person, or look into your soul and find out why this person causes you a negative reaction, and Try to fix to start your attitude to the situation.

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