Daria Relatorova: "I'm not afraid to become my grandmother"


- Dasha, yesterday you returned from cheats?

- Completely right. I stayed there for two days.

- How many hours there is a difference in time?

- Six.

- It turns out, to the local time they are not yet used to and from Moscow has already come down. Probably hard to carry it?

- I, thank God, I easily transfer the difference in time. Somehow it turns out that the body is very quickly adapted to change. Therefore, I do not feel much torment, to my happiness. Of course, if there is an opportunity to rest a little, then it is better to do it, and not to pour out all sorts of things. Although yesterday I did not succeed. I flew and wound all day, solved some questions.

- Specialists argue that a good sleep is a source of health and beauty. Can you afford it?

- Be sure because it should do it. But I do not always work, but I fully agree with the specialists.

- If you can not sleep, how do you cheer?

- Coffee, of course. In general, I am prompting me, especially if she is interesting. Therefore, somehow artificially cheerfully cheer me.

- A simple person has two weekends a week and annual leave. And the artist is how things are with this?

- And the artist is both work and affairs. (Laughs.)

- When was the last time you rested or dedicated to you?

- Well, I rested last year, in the summer. And the weekend, thank God, do not often happen.

Daria Relaistova. .

Daria Relaistova. .

- Why "Thank God"?

"Because I love to work and lose when I suddenly appear a few weekends." One is normal, and somewhat unusual, I do not know what to do what to do. I love to be in a constant rhythm, tone.

- You are often called one of the brightest and most beautiful actresses. How much do you do for this?

- Lot. I can not say that I do not get out of the Cabinet of the beautician, but some program minimum, it is a program-maximum, I have. And I try to stick to her. This is a sense of action in food, in the distribution of your day. Sometimes I, of course, suffer myself and plan a lot, but we never send more than we can bear. Therefore, for me, this is a kind of verification: Will I do not have time? And if everything happens, I say out loud "thank you." Yesterday it was. In general, it is not, thank you for some good luck and failures.

- And do not write a list with pros and cons of the day?

- Once I led a diary, now there is no. But in the diary I did not write that I managed to do, but I did not have time. There was a palace analysis: what happened and what it would mean.

- Straight daily work on yourself.

- Not that work on yourself ... And a certain analysis of the past day. Analysis that can help in the future.

- Are you a perfectionism?

- Yes, there is such.

- Difficult to live with it?

- Sometimes it is difficult. Sometimes easily. I got used already.

- This year your native theater named after the Mayakovsky 90th anniversary. Loads in connection with this increased?

- Yes. Now the rehearsals of the new performance on the bitter "Cranks" began. Interesting role, interesting work. By February, we must release.

- Does the atmosphere in the troupe changed?

- Of course, very much. The atmosphere has changed for the better, because almost all artists consider the changes that occur positive. This is also visible: the interior of the theater has changed, painted the hall, changed the seats. The administration has done a lot over the summer. And no longer ashamed to invite guests to the theater. Because before everyone swear. My friends, for example, said that they like the performances, but at the same time it is impossible to sit in the hall. Very uncomfortable chairs, knees rest. And now we have a beautiful hall, and this is a huge achievement, because the theater is primarily for the viewer. As for creative plans, there are many rehearsals. Several premiere performances have come out for a fairly short time. Mindaugas Carbauskis released "talents and fans." It is very interesting, they talk about it. However, I can not say that with Sergey Nikolayevich Arzibashev, the creative life of our theater was bad. It's my personal opinion. (In 2011, the actors were made claims to the art leader Sergey Arzibashev, after a few weeks of conflict, the director went from the mouth of Khrasuk. - Ed.).

- You have been serving in the Mayakovsky Theater for 18 years. Such an experience in one place of work is a big rarity today. Do you like stability?

- Theater perceive not only as a place of work. It is like loud and pathetic sounds - the second home. And then, the habit is the second nature. I got used to the place, my friends, scene, playground, everything surrounding. I love my performances.

Daria Darlenova with daughter. Polina is now studying at the fourth year of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. .

Daria Darlenova with daughter. Polina is now studying at the fourth year of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. .

- But many say that theatrical troupe is something like a bag with snakes ...

- I never thought so. We have always been unique in this plane of the troupe, since there were no submarines; I hope, and now they are not. Or I do not know about it, because myself is not a commitment to some shed persons. There is no desire nor the time to do this. But I know troupes in which it is really very hard to work, because there is always some kind of the background.

- Do you like change?

- rather love than I'm afraid. Then, as Oscar Wilde said: "For everything in this life you have to pay." With Sergey Nikolayevich Arzibashev, I had a lot of work, interesting and serious. For what I am grateful to him. And, for example, many artists who were less in demand before, they work a lot. And this is some equilibrium in life.

- You are a very strong woman, probably, so you marry do not go out.

- Do you think this is what? (Laughs.)

- You have an adult daughter of Polina, you are beautiful and clever. It's time for the second child. Think about it?

- I think. And I would like.

- Polina is now learning?

- Yes. Fourth Course of the Faculty of Journalism MSU.

- did not dissuade her from such a choice?

- On the contrary, agitated. It did not want it. For example, I knew since childhood than I want to do. And Polina is not. Since so - it means that we will proceed from what we have. Began to think wherever. She is one hundred percent humanitarian. Of course, it is better to the prestigious university, because the crust is a crust. And the diploma of Moscow State University is a diploma of Moscow State University. In fact, Polina categorically did not want to journal, and I, on the contrary, pushed. This is a versatile education that can be used anywhere.

- What if she becomes a theater or film critic?

- She is unlikely to be a journalist.

"She is now 20. You have become my mother at her age." Do not be afraid that she will repeat your destiny?

- I'm not completely afraid of this. And it seems to me that her fate is somewhat different, although I do not go. And I will take any choice of Polina, because with respect to it. She proven himself in my eyes as a girl who is doing everything thoughtlessly. She has no recklessness in the head, so I have long been calm for her; I know she will not do anything that will be ashamed. Moreover, she is advised to me.

- "Grandma" - a terrible word for you for both of the woman and for the actress?

- It's not terrible for me. Especially since the roles are offered by such, where I play the mother of adult children, that, in general, it is. And now I am shooting in the project, where my granddaughter has already born at my heroine. Therefore, life prepares me to this point. I'm not scared. Of course, it sounds dyed. (Laughs.) But how it will, so it will be.

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