Masha Cigal: "And the king is naked!"


The world captured a new madness - "Naked Trend". It's when the stars are on shooting, red tracks, loud events and ceremonies are actually Nagish. Or rather, in translucent outfits that barely cover the causal places. Is it really fashionable? And how to treat the cook fashion for exposure?

Far behind examples do not need to go: to be always on a hearing, the star of American realistic show Kim Kardashian is "naked" clothes and in everyday life! And this magnitude young lady is not completely shy to show their overall forms to the world. Most recently, Parprazi filmed it in an exotic "cellophane" dress.

What is there to talk! Remember the luxurious Marilyn Monroe in the distant 1962, when on the anniversary of John Kennedy in Madison Square Garden she came in a sign dress from Jean-Louis Berzull, the chief clothing designer in Hollywood! Outfit from the finest matter of corporal color, manually embroidered with 6 thousand diamond sequins. But how cunning and delicately presented his diva! To immediately do not disclose the intrigue of an amazing dress, Marilyn to the pore hung up to the fur, which took off only by going on the stage. Here is there in the goiter at all breathing and smoked!

Today, "delicacy" is manifested in a much lesser extent: styling on nipples, put on tiny thongs and a grid on a naked body. And here it is a rapid dress for accessing - ready!

Masha Cigal

Masha Cigal

And now let's figure it out. Yes, transparent things really seized the podiums at one time. They gave them into real life and won the hearts and minds of millions of fashionistas around the world. But! If the extravagant nicknames of menaage can afford to come to display with open breasts, or, say, the scandalous-famous Miley Cyrus can afford to wear a very frank swimsuit as a concert costume, then we are more complicated. Understand - "their" the public to this is ready! Moral, visually, culturally, mentally call as you want. But is our audience ready to see this? What is something not sure. And you know why? In the West and in America, the stars deliberately make from this show! Beautiful PR, over which whole teams of powerful pros are working! They are not in translucent tulle to a restaurant in a secular dinner - they make a real show from their appearance at mass events. But they do skill! I am pleased to remember Rihanna, which produced a real furyor on a fashionable CDFA-2014 premium, putting a dress from Swarovski crystals from Adam Selman! And although not a fan of such a style, but the singer really looked in it luxurious! And it did not go, most importantly!

But not only therefore our public is not ready for this. First of all, our people are not ready to see naked bodies because of their deep pupils and the right moral obligations and dogmas! For us, this is an effort - not what to show, but even even see someone else's female breast or the fifth point in the "natural" beauty! Women angry frowning foreheads, men shame shyly to the floor (although they enjoy the picture, which is there!). And not because we are wilderness wild. And because everything is in order with moral upbringing! While! The clothes were originally created in order to cover the body, remember! Not in order to demonstrate it to everyone and expose yourself "for sale."

Olga Buzova B.

Olga Buzova in "Golcome" Dress


If Kim Kardashian believes that with her, to put it mildly, not the most physiologically healthy and slender forms, you can handle the transparent plastic skirt and go into people for bread - this is her personal matter! Just remember that then again the whole team of mercenaries photoshop her photos, bringing the image of the "cumarians" to the ideal. Russian woman with an outstanding boost in such a transparent skirt (somewhere in the queue for bread!) It will look ridiculous! Is it worth experimenting?

As for our stars, which sharply began to copy the style and trend of the West ... What I see and watching on the red tracks is just a mind incomprehensible. And we are not talking about air and flirty silhouettes, unfortunately. There are no them! Lord, if only this shock wave did not turn into a routine daily life of our celebrities! And the matter is not even that "children are watching you!" And other moral "conventions" (as it seems). The fact is that almost everything that our - the purest miselest is missing. It is not even shocking, as in the case of Menaja or Cyrus with Ja Lo. It's just some kind of moral Chernobyl. Failure in every sense.

I do not want to switch to specifics, but when I recently saw the performance of a well-deserved actress and the famous singer in a combined translucent overalls, absolutely not corresponding to her age, nor a figure with a complete absence of any parameters - I was shocked. And where are the stylists of our stars watch? Do they exist at all? Well, because it is necessary to somehow really evaluate your dimensions - so as not to look like a pea jerk on the same scene. The feeling is that they are taking a little bit of "for courage" before leaving, and then proudly stitch, shaking by televisions under the tlea cape. And count on ... what are they counting on? Probably here. That we are friends with you, then we will discuss this "fashionable sentence."

Well, did not stick a decent singer with a completely concrete already established audience to wear tulle on the scene! Her aunt-fans will be terrified, isn't it? This fans of Miley are already ready - they do not surprise them. But our public, I repeat, is very nervous to such experiments.

If you really want to stand out at the event and follow the "bare" trend - to start critically appreciate your nude body in the mirror. Do you have internal confidence to reveal your body in true beauty, so to speak? Will you stay at the same time relaxed and be yourself? It is not very simple, believe me!

Gluck'Oza also periodically appears in translucent outfits

Gluck'Oza also periodically appears in translucent outfits


... Why did people stop shy? It seems to me because it is already quite difficult to somehow attract attention to your person. Super-booty outfits - were ("meat" Lady Gaga dresser remember everything?). Multilayer dresses were. Agrowing the imagination of the cap - were. Classic and femininity - dismissal, completely unlikely in the "Higher Society".

In general, what noticed. Expansion "Ugly Fashion" led to the fact that everything became fashionable. Everything that I found in SEKD-Hand and hit themselves thoughtlessly - everything is fashionable and can be adapted to modern trends. But, if you think about when we see a person who demonstrates us grotesque and deliberately emphasized "Bomzh-Style", which, as if, says: "I wear such things to show how I do not depend on trends," it becomes clear, that it is just categorically dependent and imites the rest!

When you work on your style - you create an image, a unique bright manifestation of yourself. It takes time and intellectual work. When you simply join the badly pumped and felting body, a kapron jumpsuit, turning you into a fictional character, it is a miserable.

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