Change me, photographer: Why do people use filter programs


It is normal to actively use the apps of Faistein (change its appearance in the photo). Where is the boundary of the norm? Can such applications cause people complexes? Or their use - already indicator of complexes? Is such a change in the appearance of deception? After all, in real life, a person looks different.

The concept of the norm is of course very relatively, but let's talk in general terms. Changing appearance is a deception yourself, let's speak honestly, all that a person does, he essentially does it only for himself and for himself, even if it's all covered with social principles.

A person improves his appearance with the help of the Program to please others, and in order to receive from others an assessment of oneself and due to this, lift a sense of own significance and confidence

This is again an illusion, other people cannot change or improve, as worsening, what is inside another person

This is an illusion and man begins to dive into this illusion, forgetting that it is necessary to improve itself in real life, and not in the picture

The desire most likely looks better - this is normal, it is normal to strive to improve yourself, develop, just it should be real actions.

Want a beautiful picture, start working from the inside

Want a beautiful picture, start working from the inside


Want a beautiful picture, start working from the inside yourself. A man who radiates kindness, bright thoughts, he attracts, it's special magnetism

Faistein can be replaced with a gorgeous program of life. Then the daily care of their thoughts should be added to this program, for nutrition, leather and body.

If the girl uses the cream every day and at the same time every part of the body that creates cream, praise and confess in love with each part of herself, will start drinking a glass of water in the morning and to maintain a water balance and diet, then after a couple of weeks She will see that in life it looks much better than in any application with corrector and filters.

I understand that to change my appearance in the program is much easier and faster than to take yourself and begin changes in real life, but the result is worth it. Love yourself and create your own life programs now

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