Vanagas and Drobizko: Different, but still together


Povilas Vanagas

Margarita Drobinizko

Your first meeting?

It happened on the rink. Only went to the ice - and saw her.

What was the dressed Margarita?

In sports triko.

And you?

I had some kind of outfit, in which they perform at competitions.

Where and how did you admit to each other in love?

It happened in Switzerland, in the locker room, after training.

First gift Margarita?

Not the first, but the one that I remember: she lent me a large amount of money to buy an apartment in Moscow.

And your?

Before we became husband and wife, long friendly and gave each other gifts.

What qualities most appreciates your wife?

Probably attention.

Are you in it?


Favorite lesson Margarita?

Do what I want in this place in this minute. She will quickly start and can get involved in some kind of year, two, three, and then instantly cool to it.

And yours?

I love everything connected with plants, flowers.

Her unloved occupation?

Get up early. But with our profession, she has to wake up either the light is neither dawn very often.

And yours?

Walking to women's shops on the debt of her husband.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

Maintain perfect order in the house. I am in kind of my pedant, and Rita is the opposite. Therefore, I had to refuse this habit, a little bit with a crash.

And from what she refused?

Nothing comes to mind.

The thing is Margarita, which you would gladly throw out?

There was such a pajama shirt - I didn't like her very much. And in the end destroyed.

Your home nicknames?

And bunny, and foot, and kitten. We have a lot of caressing names.

Your first meeting?

On the rink. In training.

What was dressed by Povilas?

Skates were for sure! And also, in my opinion, there was a red mowing, which was inherited from the famous figure skateman Alexander Fadeev.

And you?

And on me - the black jumpsuit from Lycra and skates.

Where and how did you admit to each other in love?

Povilas admitted to me in love very romantic. This happened in Switzerland, in the dressing room on the rink. And I never admitted!

The first gift of povelace?

It is difficult to remember, because at first we had just partnerships. Probably he was not memorable for me.

And your?

And I will not remember.

What qualities does your husband appreciate most of all?

Perhaps kindness and compassion to others.

Are you in it?

I appreciate a lot of qualities in it. But first of all care for your loved ones.

Favorite occupation of povelace?

He likes to mess around with plants in the garden - to plant, care for them.

And yours?

On vacation - ride a motorcycle around the neighborhood.

His unloved occupation?

To go shopping.

And yours?

I like everything.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

There were no such habits, so there was no need to refuse them.

And what did he refuse?

I doubt that he had to donate something.

The thing of the povelace that you would gladly throw out?

If such a thing was, I would have thrown it for a long time!

Your home nickname?


Commentary of the family psychologist

About this pair can be said so: they are so different, and yet they are together! Povilas and Margarita is a worthy example of how different partners can create a decent and strong union. After all, even their habits are very different: the husband adores order in the house and goes into the garden with flowers, the wife loves animals and drives on a motorcycle. Nevertheless, it is clear that they are real comrades, at any moment ready to come to each other for help. They feel each other, can sometimes go for concessions. And this is the key to long and harmonious relationships.

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