Schimorite: prick or not prick?


To protect yourself and your loved ones from danger, it is important to understand that even a minor cold requires attention and adequate treatment, as it can lead to serious consequences.

"The sinusitis is inflammation of the apparent sinuses of the nose, in particular, the gaymorovy sinuses that are located in the bones of the upper jaw, on the sides of the nasal moves," says Boris Klyuchevsky, a homeopathist, a specialist in the vegetative-resonant testing of the homeopathic center "Darling". - The main reasons for inflammation are unrealized colds - ORZ, ORVI - and weakened immunity. Rubble without high temperature, severe weakness is regarded as a non-serious disease. People continue to go to work, treated

irregularly and in insufficient volume. Viral infection penetrates the nasal cavity in the sinuses, inflammation is accompanied by rich secretion of mucus. If the nasal mucus fails to be removed when playing, it is stirred in sinuses, caught up and leads to a disease called "sinusitis". Often the sharp process goes into chronic. First of all, the perisure of the sick should have a long runny nose. If he did not pass for 7 days - this is one of the reasons to think. The second symptom of sinusitis is a stupid crushing pain on the sides of the nose and under the eyes, and if there are also the frontal sinuses in the process, pain in the frontal area above their eyes appear. No less important indicator is a long subfebrile temperature, that is, 37.1 or 37.2. In addition, the growing weakness of the body appears almost always. Diseases such as allergic rhinitis and curvature of the nasal septum can predispose to the hymoritis. Allergies is accompanied by an edema of the nose mucous membrane and, as it were, clogs the mucus in the sinuses, where it cares. A curved nasal partition - congenital or due to injury - narrows a bow course on the one hand and also prevents the natural outflow of the mucus from the sinuses during the cold. In such situations, any cold may result in a sinusitis. "

Check or not prick?

It is important to remember that the main way to diagnose samorite is x-ray. Therefore, if you are worried about the symptoms described above, it should be not laid out to appeal to an otorinolaryngologist, which will send you to the rhythm of the sinuses of the nose.

"In traditional medicine, antibiotics and vesseloring drugs are necessarily applied in the treatment of a sinusitant for instill," says Boris Klyuchevsky. - The first are necessary to relieve inflammation, the second - to remove the edema to ensure the outflow of the mucus from the sinuses outside. Together with the listed applied tools that enhance immunity.

The most controversial point in the treatment of cunning disease is the so-called puncture - in more simply, the puncture of the nasal sinuses. It is the opinion that the effectiveness of this method does not justify the entry consequences, the main of which is the transition of the disease into the chronic stage. Is it so?

"Pullets of the Gaimorovy sinuses are made to remove a pus from them in cases where it is not possible to drain the sinuses with therapeutic means," explains Boris Klyuchevsky. - This is a forced measure, and it is justified: when purulent mucus does not come out, then the effective treatment of the inflammatory process is impossible. It is impossible to leave the purulent focus in the sinuses, as this can lead to serious complications. But it is worth remembering that puncture solves only a momentary task - to free the sinuses from the content at the moment. Prevent the transition to the disease in chronic stage it is not capable. A serious complication of puncture can be an allergic reaction (squeegee, anaphylactic shock) on a deceor or antibiotic in the sinus. Therefore, doctors in front of the procedure interview patients about the tolerance of drugs.

For allergies, an excellent alternative may be homeopathic treatment of sinusitis. Homeopathic preparations as well as antibiotics, relieve inflammation, but allergic reactions do not happen due to extremely small doses. Homeopathy is deprived of other side effects of pharmacological preparations: it does not have a negative impact on the liver, stomach, blood-forming organs, does not disturb the intestinal microflora. However, the most important point is the complexity of homeopathic treatment. In contrast to traditional methods, it allows you to take inflammation in the sinuses of the nose, in terms of restoring the function of other organs and strengthening immunity. And this is very important because the sinusitis arises as a result of a cold at the moment when the human immune system is weakened. "

The course of treatment of homeopathy lasts somewhat longer than classical procedures, especially if we want to cure a disease completely. However, it should be borne in mind that with a hymorite the issue of the preparation of treatment becomes fundamental in any case.

The main thing is not to stop!

Medical statistics are inexorable - almost 90% of patients with sickness returns after a while. "The most unpleasant complication is that the disease that appeared for the first time often passes from the acute state into chronic," Klyuchevsky doctor says. - And any cold will continue to end with the exacerbation of a hymorite with all the ensuing consequences. With each exacerbation, that is, almost annually - you will have to take antibiotics, despite their side effect. But the main danger is not in this. It is worth remembering that the gifts are sinuses are located in the bones of the skull close to the brain, therefore the inflammatory process goes to the brain shells with the development of meningitis. This is a severe disease that requires specialized inpatient treatment, but even at the same time it is not always possible to avoid fatal outcome. This happens rarely, but still happens. Therefore, a sharp sinusitis, first arising, should be treated very carefully and thoroughly: to carry out a good antibacterial, absorbing, stuffing therapy, and then be sure to be physiotherapeutic procedures. The course of treatment should last at least two or three weeks. In order to make sure that the disease is successful, it is necessary to make a control x-ray. And only after such a confirmation can

With confidence, say that the ailment is defeated. "

It is not necessary to get involved in self-medication, especially when the disease proceeds in acute form. Recipes to get rid of sinusitis at home transmitted from mouth to mouth, quite a lot. However, sometimes the proposed methods only exacerbate the patient's condition. For example, there are rash tips to warm the laid sinuses with a preheated salt, doctors do not really recommend.

"During the inflammatory process of heating can only aggravate the situation, since heat will contribute to the reproduction of bacteria. All procedures, one way or another associated with heating, can be done only when the pussy is already removed from the sinuses. And in order to alleviate well-being at home to the inspection by a specialist, I can recommend washing the nose with a weak solution of marine or table salt. It will contribute to the outflow of the contents of the gaymorovy sinuses and temporary improvement of well-being. However, it should be remembered that this ailment cannot be defended by household means, since inflammation in the depth of the sinus requires serious antibacterial therapy. Therefore, at the first opportunity, you need to consult a doctor, "Boris Klyuchevsky advises.

After once transferred the disease, you need to not forget about the prevention, especially in the offseason. "It is best for these purposes. Herbs, strengthening immunity, are confident Dr. Klyuchevsky. - The most famous of them is Echinacea. It should be brewing and accepting 2-week courses with breaks or pay attention to the homeopathic preparation with the same name. Very useful Rosehip fruits that are rich in vitamin C

And serve as an excellent means of preventing any colds. At home can be used and mummy is a fairly common popular agent that contains a rich set of trace elements and also helps to strengthen immunity. Any vitamin charges that have in their composition of blueberries, lingonberries or cranberries will not be less effective. "

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