Carrot-almond cake


You will need:

- Round form with a diameter of 26 cm;

- 5 eggs;

- 250 gr. Sahara;

- 1 tsp. lemon zest;

- 3 tbsp. lemon juice;

- 250 gr. Molot almond;

- 250 gr. grated carrots (small grater);

- 80 gr. flour;

- 3 h. Bakery powder.

This cake is not only delicious, but also useful

This cake is not only delicious, but also useful

Photo by the author

Wake up egg yolks with sugar sand, zest and lemon juice, add almonds, carrots, flour and bakery powder. Belings beat separately into a strong foam and gently interfere with the dough in several techniques.

Put the resulting mixture into the shape, lubricated with fat and sprung by flour, bake in the oven heated to 175 degrees 50-60 minutes. Check the readiness with the toothpick, gently pour back in the middle. If the toothpick goes dry, the cake is ready.

You can decorate the icing: 200 gr. Sugar powder stirring with lemon juice (4 art. l), 1-2 art. Water spoons.

You can also use protein or cream cream - just wait for the complete cooling of the crude, otherwise the cream will float from hot. If you decorate cream, sprinkle with crushed almond nuts on top.

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