David Beckham will play football in Antarctica


David Beckham will be the hero of a new 90-minute documentary called "Beckham: In the name of love for the game", the work on which British BBC television channel began. For the sake of this tape, designed to show love of football worldwide, the ex-athlete will overtake seven continents and on each of them drives the ball with local fans of this folk game.

According to the authors of the documentary painting, David will be in the villages of Papua New Guinea, the foothills of Nepal, on the streets of Buenos Aires, on the desert plains of Djibutti and in frozen Waste, Antarctica. During its round-the-world travel, the famous footballer will communicate with different people that football means for them and how he influenced their lives.

The Around Move of Beckham will end in Manchester at Old Trafford Stadium, the Manchester United English Club Stadium, which began his successful career. In the final of the film, David will enter the field along with other legends of football.

"I remember how I was sitting with friends and discussed the idea of ​​this project. But it seemed to me that it was impossible to embody him into reality, "says the athlete who has gone from the sport in 2013. - My global journey will allow shed light on the passion and dedication of people who play football, and show positive aspects of the sport that I love very much. "

The future documentary will be far from the first, where David acts as the main character. In 2014, "David Beckham: Journey to the Unknown" picture came to the television screens, in which the football player together with friends went to the Motorman in Brazil. And in 2013, he starred in the class 92 documentary tape, telling about the way to the world glory of six young football players from Manchester United: David Beckham, Ryan Giggza, Paul Scholeza, Niki Batta, Phil and Gary Neville.

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