I want, I can, I will not: 6 most common psychological reasons for infertility


Psychological infertility is a capacious concept. It is believed that these are situations in which, despite physical health, pregnancy does not occur. We will analyze the most common them.


Perinatal psychologists argue that the woman first will "pregnant" head, and then already with the body. If she feels self-confidence, in a partner, in the future, then the brain sends the reproductive system signal - "you can". And the pregnancy happens. But if a woman is in a state of anxiety or fear for himself and for the future, doubts the partner, then adrenaline begins to be developed in the body, which destroys the main motherhood hormone - Ocecitocin. And pregnancy does not occur.

Love deficiency

Generation of people who are today in reproductive age, that is, those who are 30-40 years old, was born in a completely different than now, the system of upbringing, sometimes quite tough and not quite satisfying the need for love, understanding and adoption. And here is a woman who, let's say a problem relationship with Mom, who in childhood did not receive love from her and caress, wants to give birth to a child, but an example of his own mother hints that this experience can be painful. This is a fairly frequent cause of psychological infertility that requires a special study.

Ekaterina Barskaya

Ekaterina Barskaya

Materials press services

Important work

Interestingly, a significant part of the patients with whom I work is successful in a career and know how to make money. However, it is the work that cannot be thrown in any way, on the one hand, it gives rise to the fear of losing it, on the other - "lines" the reproductive functions of a woman. She loses his female identity, stops feeling and reacting to the signals of the body, because if the soul cries, then it is the body that reports it. Work is usually important for perfectionisters who have been told from childhood - learn, work, earn, provide. And these are still male functions that, with their dominant position, can disrupt the work of the reproductive system of women.


The impossibility of pregnancy against the background of the desire of a woman is always and everything is controlled - another fairly common problem with which you have to work. Such women talk to themselves - "I need a child and a point." And when the child does not work, turn your life, and at the same time the life of a partner, to the affiliate of hell on earth. They are accustomed to that everything goes on the plan installed in advance and react painfully to failures. The main reason for such behavior is the basic distrust of the world, which also puts the Block to reproduce the offspring.

Wrong motivation

I always ask my patients: why do you need a child. And here it is very important to understand what its true motives are in motherhood. It is possible that she does not want a child at all, and the idea belongs to her husband or grandmothers. It is possible that the baby is a way of a woman to separate from the parents, to prove that she is already adult. Or she is afraid to stay alone, protects himself, therefore, from loneliness, wants to be someone necessary. And what motivation is correct, you ask? Yes, just give life a new person, know the joy of motherhood and fatherhood, to reveal the fruit of your mutual with a partner of love. This is constructively. It also happens that the woman is looked at pregnancy, and not at the birth of a child, especially if it does not occur for many years. And then, alas, there are no discontinued pregnancy cases, because the patient does not see myself, that is, the goal here is not a birth, but the fact of fertilization.

Other destructive motivations:

- Pregnancy as a marriage legalization;

- material motivation (receiving housing or status of a large family);

- To preserve health, there is an opinion that the pregnancy "rejuvenates the body."

- Refusal from the past (I am now completely different, I am a -ch).

Eco as a lifestyle

Yes, some patients are "get used to" to fight for pregnancy and for a child that it becomes their way of life, the usual routine. It also happens that the inability to have children gives them some privileges in the family or the convenient status of the "victim", to refuse which, of course, do not want. Because in this case it will be removed from the pedestal. And such a reason is difficult to get.

What to do? Be a woman. Allow yourself to be weak and trust the world. To pacify the thirst for control over life and above the partner. And listen to yourself. Ask yourself: What do I want? How do I see myself in five years? And with this man next to? And do not pronounce the word "infertility."

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